fatigue after partial thyroidectomy

A partial thyroidectomy is surgery to remove part of your thyroid gland. Thank you for posting. I stayed in the hospital one night and went home the next morning. The average initial levothyroxine dose is 50 to 100 mcg per day. Had a partial thyroidectomy. I am curious if your thyroid functions remained normal or if there was development of hypothyroidism. .. My doc said it could take 2 months. The most annoying thing that Im dealing with is the cough that started 2 days before surgery. Both were non concerning, I received a diagnosis of postpartum thyroiditis but fast forward 6 months and my blood work is normal again, and Im 1 year postpartum. I highly recommend you check out parathyroid.com. You may also feel a sensation of swelling or firmness that will also resolve over time. Epub 2019 Jul 6. Just wondering about exercise after having surgery; will I have to stop yoga for a while to heal, or does anyone know if I can continue this (lets say a week) after surgery? Thyroid nodules can contain anything from liquid to solid material. I had a partial thyroidectomy 3 weeks ago. I had a partial thyroidectomy to remove a large solitary non cancerous nodule just over 4 weeks ago. I was advised to have them monitored, blood work, scans etc on a regular basis. Studies are clear that patients who undergo a thyroidectomy often gain around 15 pounds on average after the procedure (5). All my TSH levels are in normal range. Thyroid lobectomy is a relatively safe and low-risk procedure. These post have help with many questions I have. Good luck! I just had a partial thyroidectomy 2 days ago. I am wondering if anyone has had the same symptoms and procedure with any weight loss afterwards. My thyroid levels are still fine. Today he suggested I get the right thyroid removed. 2) Did you need Synthroid or did the other half compensate? My nodule was approximately 5cm, and was causing hyperthyroid symptoms (tremors/heart palpitations/anxiety/etc). Supposedly I am having a lighter anesthesia as opposed to a fully-intubated general. Was suppose to be a quick in and out, but unfortunately he found one nodule that grew deep behind my trachea. Im in good shape and energetic. I am scheduled for a partial tomorrow afternoon. Also is bad timing since I just started a new job 3 weeks ago. Especially my singing voice (I am a professional singer in the car and shower!). has anyone had the experience of planning to do a partial, but winding up with a full thyroidectomy due to findings during the surgery? Thats when they found nodule 1 2.5 cm at the time, and nodule 2, 1.2 cm. My thyroid levels are good and I finally got up enough nerve to have a biopsy done. Thanks a lot for those testomonies. In addition to multi-toxic goiter, I have hyperthyroidism. I guess my biggest fear is that it wont keep up and I gain an enormous amount of weight. 2 nodules:1 large that was suscpoius for papillary cancer and the second smaller nodule was inconclusive (Bethesda score 3) I have either seen or spoke to more than 6 doctors. Any responses would be SO appreciated! The nodule on my left side was 7cmthere was hardly any thyroid tissue. I had partial and then full removal ( a few years ago, cough, cough 20 years ago) and bounced back from both those surgeries, it took a while to get the medication dose right and infant that is what I struggle with constantly, but the hospital stay that was just finekeep well x, I am having a Partial Thyroidectomy on April 10th, I am meeting with my surgeon today. Mostly, I feel fine at this point though I definitely notice when I over do it (because I spend the next day in bed sleeping all day). Good luck to you. It really looks fantastic. I am not convinced. Like you, I was very nervous from reading some of the posts. Its crazy! I would say to get it done. A couple years ago doc switched me to Levothyroxine as TS Just got tested and I have a free t4 of 1.6 (0.8-1.8) a total t4 of 13.9 (4.9-10.5) and a tsh of 0.4 (0.4-4.5). After that If I started to hurt I took Tylenol and it was fine. In 2013 had a right thyroidectomy with a removal of a large non-cancerous follicular mass that 7cm4.5cm5cm. It was benign. At what point were you able to workout? Yamille- yes! I had it done at Palomar Hospital in Escondido and was very happy with my surgeon and the staff at Palomar. Needless to say, this whole process two surgeries- was not fun. So thats without pain meds from 7:00 am this morning! Has anyone experienced any other bodily adjustments during early postop. I could have exercised by then, but I just didnt feel like it. I have a thyroid function test in 6 weeks to see if the remaining lobes function would suffice. Very minor pain after, similar to a sore throat for about 3 days. If the small nodule seems stable, Id be inclined to leave that side in. PTH anywhere from 80-110. Surgery. Not full range of motion on neck but pretty good and no pain. I am having surgery next Tues 1/29 for a 4cm nodule on my isthmus. Partially because people made it sound like the surgery was no big deal. I went for a partial thyroidectomy for a tumor that they said was benign (one FNA came back benign and the other was inclusive). I have an appointment on Tuesday for blood work results. New fatigue was evident in 61% of respondents within a year after TT or lobectomy. Surgery lasted 2 hours and went fine (so far hapenned yesterday. In the end, the nodule came out fine without the assistance of the thoracic surgeon. I had no pain, just a bit of a sore throat for a few days from the tube during surgery. I laughed and said that I had my thyroid removed 18 years ago and have been on synthroid since. Even though benign, I would have been scheduled for an ultrasound and biopsy every six months. Ive read so many scary posts about managing hormone levels and poor quality of life issues after full thyroid surgery, etc. I am having half of my thyroid removed Tuesday may 17th. Endocr Connect. I had two indeterminate biopsies before surgery. I am currently recovering from a second partial thyroidectomy and wanted to add that a memory foam travel pillow, as in the u-shaped one is a must. And the fact Ive put on weight, feel tired and sometimes have insomnia can be attributed to my thyroid as well. You might increase 15 mg per day every 2 to 3 weeks until you feel your best. A robotic surgery means incisions are made in your chest and armpit, or higher in your neck. As an otherwise healthy human, I figured that Id land somewhere in the middle. I did a biopsy that showed that it was benign. The scar is hardly noticeable. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. The pain is manageable but not fun. Recovery wasnt bad as I took it easy for the first week and eased myself into working and life the second week. I guess as long as long as you dont notice any other symptoms, you might be okay. Hi, Dawn, Any suggestions? Thank u for your insight. I was told that is a much more complicated surgery and recovery. I had some mild nausea and a headache post-op but other than that the surgery was a breeze. I just ordered ScarAway today. The experience was not half as bad as I imagined! what did bother me was having to sleep sitting up & for some reason my body ached especially my hip area. My surgery is 10 days away and this whole thread has been so helpful in getting me mentally prepared for it. You may be told not to eat or drink anything after midnight on the day of surgery. Late 2017 through 2018 I was having a lot of weird symptoms like feeling like I was suffocating while in bed and trouble swallowing and waking up choking on Saliva. I really didnt want to because I am claustrophobic, but was assured that it was very quick (21 seconds to be exact). Gao J, Wang X, Zhang L, Li J, Qin X, Wang L, Zhao J. I hope this all goes away, light head aches also nothing I cant handle but still. Six weeks until I meet with endo to determine if my left lobe picked up the slack. TSH .397 and FreeT4 2.04 Getting glucose under control. The standard seems to be six months. The days that I feel tired - I just try and make it through the day - those are the times when my moodswings are really bad - and I justtry and avoid people - just to spare their feelings, because of my sharp tongue and to keep my job intact!! I took them last night before bed but I get dizzy and waves of nausea on that stuff and ended up staying up all night. Any advice pls. This option may be indicated if a thyroid nodule is small and localized to one side of the . I slept for a couple days and now feel tired in the afternoon and evening. My PTH has been elevated as well as my Calcium. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Fatigue may be the one symptom you are experiencing. Is there any hope that Ill start feeling better on my own? Also, while the recovery is not bad, it is not fun for a couple of days. Im so grateful I had it during the winter, Ive been wearing scarves ever since and I love those silicone strips. The doctor said he could just do the right and then do the full biopsy but if it was positive, then I would have a second surgery. The scar is a bit red/firm/raised which sounds normal from what Ive read. I wish I would have found it prior to the surgery. Yes. Unless there is a chance of it turning cancerous, I would prefer to just keep doing the same 6 mo checkups. I dont suffer any pain or loss of voice, I guess my surgeon had done a great job. honestly, the recent biopsy was more painful than id expected and i was swollen for a week. My nodule was 5cm only on the right, so I only had that side taken out. Im now four days post-op and all my clips are out. Still have a very foggy brain it seems. Horse throat shaky with muscles twitches in my left leg. I has read that someone recommended La Met skin serum but the price is just ridiculous. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. General anesthesia is usually given before a partial thyroidectomy. Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. My surgery was rescheduled because they want a Cardiac thoracic doctor on call during my surgery when the nuraw called me AFTER my CT i was extremely alarmed. So they took out the left lobe and it did turn out to have a follicular carcinoma in it. Anyway, I started using Scar Away as soon as the post-op bandage (which was waxy) flaked off completely. Not fun. ultrasound result is with cslcification. As soon as I got the diagnosis, I put myself on a plane from Norfolk VA to San Diego and checked myself into the Optimum Health Institute in Lemon Grove where I successfully reversed the condition with diet, wheatgrass, colonics and a bunch of hippy dippy stuff that I must say, worked like a charm. Symptoms caused by too much calcium in the blood may go away or greatly improve after this procedure. Thanks for your post and all the response. If I knew how easy the surgery was, I would have had it done much sooner. If you can get a second opinion, and if it will help remove any doubts, then yes get it. Its now 5 and a half weeks after my op and Im feeling fantastic have a huge amount of energy (which has been lacking for sometime) and easily able to work. Wondering if anyone hada similar experience. I had the headaches, too, and they told me its because some people react this way after being put under while others recover from the anesthesia itself quite quickly. I had a great surgeon here in NJ..not sure where you are located. He has 30 years of experience and I am very pleased. Rationale: Maximizes supply and absorption of calcium if parathyroid function is impaired. I do have some underlying other health issues, so my biggest concern for this is did you feel any sort of depression afterwards and are you on medicine at this time. I was told that if I worked from home (which I do), that I could likely return to work the following week which I hope is true! The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life. Im mostly concerned about weight gain, as I have high blood pressure already. Hi! Has anyone experienced hurthle cells? I was very nervous before the surgery but I am glad I went through with it. I ended staying overnight at the hospital for observation. All OK (except headaches), my only concern is how the thyroid reacts to half of it being taken out. Two weeks is about right fir recovery as LaJolla Mom said. Most were eager to remove my thyroid before the genetic molecular testing results came back. He wants to remove my right thyroid (partial thyroidectomy) due to a 6cm BENING nodule as per my biopsy and an ultrasound. Also what are the reference ranges shown on the lab report for the Free T4 and Free T3 results? When did the exhaustion start to subside? I just had a rare reaction to 1 antibiotic that sent me to the hospital with a rare allergic reaction called serum sickness. Hi everyone I had a partial thyroidectomy on March 8th this year. From what I have been told, its common(?) The scar is right in the crease of my neck and really isnt that bad. I have an appointment with the surgeon 07/02. The weight is almost all in my stomach. Did the tumor grow at a fast rate? Even though I have a small nodule on the other side as well, the surgeon is leaving that lobe in. Oh, my surgeon told me to stay out of the sun. INITIAL ADOPTION OF RECOMBINANT HUMAN THYROID-STIMULATING HORMONE FOLLOWING THYROIDECTOMY IN THE MEDICARE THYROID CANCER PATIENT POPULATION. You should be able to swallow pretty much anything but your doctor will tell you what youll be capable of. Am I doing surgery for no good reason? Let me know if you have any other concerns. Half my thyroid was removed on Monday scared at my level of energy. I had Dr Lopez at the Norman Parathyroid Center, also in Tampa. And even when I know Im about to be mean and snappy I cant help but continue with the attitude. I am 3 weeks post-op and the second batch of steri strips are only now falling off. Well I turned 50 this year and none of my friends have it, so I was a little frazzled by it all, but I suppose the fact I noticed the lump in my neck and asked questions was a good thing.

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