soft tissue in dinosaur bones debunked

and nobody looks," she said. Editor's Note: This article was updated at 2pm Eastern Nov. 28 to correct unclear language about proteins and DNA. Collagens basic structural unit is called a triple helix, consisting of three protein chains intertwining around each other. It works by linking up, or cross-linking, the amino acids that make up proteins, which makes those proteins more resistant to decay. Appendix A: A summary of Mary Schweitzers research (Service, 2017). You cant prove something is true. Collagens abundance further explains its presence in dinosaur fossils. Using a mass spectrometer, they carried out chemical analysis of the putative Three options present themselves for the presence of molecules and blood vessels in creatures that purportedly passed on eons ago. Armitages attorney said that the state would never have paid such a huge sum unless it was very concerned about losing in court. Since the moon and the Earth probably formed at the same time, this supports the current idea of the Earth's age. Scientists have excavated the first near-complete skull of a sauropod to ever be found in Australia. really did come from dinosaur soft tissue, Paleo-Art: Illustrations Bring Dinosaurs to Life, Dinosaur Detective: Find Out What You Really Know. Collagen fibers comprise one of the chief components of connective tissue, are embedded in the bone matrix, and help form blood vessels. News reports around the world tell of red-blood-cell-like and collagen-like structures found in 75 million year-old dinosaur bones long stored in the British Museum. But a surprising number of fossil specimens also contained soft tissues, including structures resembling blood vessels, tubular nerve projections, collagen and A thigh bone from a 70-million-year-old Tyrannosaurus rex has given fossil experts an unexpected treasure: well-preserved soft tissue. These undated photos provided by the journal Science show demineralized fragments of tissues lining the marrow cavity of a Tyrannosaurus Rex femur. Think of the nucleus as a pyramid of building blocks. How do scientists know the bones are really 68 million years old? Iron chelators increased fossil tissue immunoreactivity to multiple antibodies dramatically, suggesting a role for iron in both preserving and masking proteins in fossil tissues. For example, by using a laser, researchers can measure parent and daughter atoms in extremely small amounts of matter, making it possible to determine the age of very small samples [source: New Scientist]. The short half-life is only part of the problem when dating dinosaur bones -- researchers also have to find enough of the parent and daughter atoms to measure. In fact, the chemistry from this paper potentially describes preservation for a variety of original cellular tissues, including vertebrates and other organisms trapped within amber, carbonized traces of ancient feathers and skin, and even dinosaur mummies.. Now, the 95-million-year-old fossil is revealing insights into how dinosaurs may have traveled between continents. The most widely known form of radiometric dating is carbon-14 dating. 9/28/1991. 5. You would have to invent a [youtube]. Eventually, some of the blocks can fall away, leaving a smaller, more stable structure. In response to these claims, researchers mapped collagen fragments isolated from theT. Atoms may have an equal number of protons and neutrons. This means that isotopes with a short half-life won't work to date dinosaur bones. Another alternative is that its not really soft tissue, but even hard-core evolutionists agree thats what it is. Evidence for the extraction of short segments of ancient DNA from dinosaur fossils has been reported on two occasions. How Are Dino Tissues Preserved in Deep Time? Why was Noahs family saved while the rest died in the flood. Photograph C shows regions of demineralized bone showing fibrous character (arrows). Looking at a nearly 150-million-year-old tibia of the large predator Allosaurus fragilis from Utah, the trio found a layer of bone in which the tissue was disorganized and replete with traces of blood vessels, suggesting it had grown quickly. For more than a century, the study of dinosaurs has been limited to fossilized bones. According to new research, iron in the dinosaur's body preserved the tissue before it could decay. The substance left behind was a stretchy material that showed blood vessels, bone-building cells known as osteocytes and other organic features when observed under Be especially wary of distractions and sidesteps. The big question is, why are the soft tissues still there in dinosaur bones when artificial decay experiments show soft tissues can last thousands of years but not millions of years? New Scientist. Schweitzer and her colleagues found that dinosaur soft tissue is closely associated with iron nanoparticles in both the T. rex and another soft-tissue specimen from Brachylophosaurus canadensis, a type of duck-billed dinosaur. They seem so fresh that it appears as Absolute dating, on the other hand is used to calculate the precise age of fossils through radiometric dating. In a paper published last week in Royal Society Open Science, Poropat and his colleagues detail thesimilarities between Ann and another sauropod discovered in Argentina and described in 2016. Her work has appeared in theSag Harbor Expressand has aired onWSHU Public Radio. "Understanding Evolution for Teachers: Radiometric Dating." The research, headed by Mary Schweitzer, a molecular paleontologist at North Carolina State University, explains how proteins and possibly even DNA can survive millennia. [9][10] If theropod dinosaurs are the ancestors of birds, one might expect to find evidence of an avian-type lung in such dinosaurs. Because the creature had a rounded snout, paleontologists conclude it browsed for foliage at varying heights rather than always feeding low to the ground, per the Guardian. The extreme temperatures of the magma would just destroy the bones. The half-life of carbon-14 is only 5,730 years, so carbon-14 dating is only effective on samples that are less than 50,000 years old. At present there are two main explanations of the earths geological and climatological history. In most cases, microbes feast on a dead animal's soft tissue, destroying it within weeks. We have seen that the biblical time scale In recent years, researchers have found 1) epithelial cell and osteoclast remnants; 2) the remains of blood vessels, and 3) heme, and hemoglobin components in the partially fossilized Tyrannosaurus rex femur. You can watch the tissue stretch in the video. They are not denying it, as if misrepresentations or misidentifications have been made. how collagens structural features allow fragments to survive for eons, Design of Life: Its a Matter of Physical Evidence & Logic, Judge Phil Ginn Condemns UN Demonic Proposal to Legalize Consensual Sex with Minors, Rely on Christ Instead of the Government in the Face of Religious Attacks, Says Judge Phil Ginn, Judge Phil Ginn Calls for Truth and Love in the Face of Heretical Easter Sermon, The Message of the Gospel is the Only Antidote for the Malaise So Prevalent in America Today, says Judge Phil Ginn, James D. San Antonio et al., Dinosaur Peptides Suggest Mechanisms of Protein Survival,, Thomas G. Kaye, Gary Gaugler, and Zbigniew Sawlowicz, Dinosaurian Soft Tissues Interpreted as Bacterial Biofilms,. [19][20] On March 20, 2019 the journal Nature Communications published a paper naming an extinct bird "Avimaia schweitzerae in honor of Mary Higby Schweitzer for her ground-breaking works on MB [ medullary bone ] and for her role in establishing the field of molecular paleontology."[21]. Does he face the objections to the crosslinking hypothesis presented by Dr Kevin Anderson in the link above? [13] The extraction of protein, soft tissue, remnant cells and organelle-like structures from dinosaur fossils has been confirmed. In a new study published today (Nov. 26) in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, Schweitzer thinks she has the answer: Iron. The last step may be the trickiest: Possibly the most controversial part of reconstructing a dinosaur's appearance is determining what, Large numbers of collagen fibrils in turn assemble, with the aid of other proteins, into collagen fibers. Such a find is quite rare, lead researcher Stephen Poropat of Australias Curtin University tells the Guardians Donna Lu. (1/2/2008), USGS. It weighed 8 kg (18 pounds). Does it render tissue impenetrable to cosmic rays, radon in the soil, or bioturbation? The blood vessels soaked in red blood cells remain recognizable after sitting at room temperature for two years. So far, there is every indication that the dinosaur soft tissuesincredible as it seemsare real biological leftovers from their once-living hosts. Some day over the rainbow, Ill prove all; Both of these reptiles were titanosaurs, or massive sauropods that lived around 66 million to 145 million years ago. 5. The half-life of the isotope being measured determines how useful it is at dating very old samples. In fact, collagen makes up around 25 to 30 percent of all proteins found in animals. How does he know it could? Soft fibrillar bone tissue was discovered inside the fossil brow horn of a Triceratops horridus. Radiometric dating relies on the properties of isotopes. He doesnt know that, because he tosses the solution into the futureware bucket. Its interesting to note that scientists are exploring the second alternative, but not the first one! And tests seemed to confirm the presence of collagen. Because scientists knew that soft tissues didnt last that long before they degrade, Schweitzer said that there were two alternatives for the interpretation of these observations, either the dinosaurs arent as old as we think they are, or maybe we dont knowexactlyhow these things get preserved (interview of Schweitzer in 2014). The discovery of Ann is helping uncover more details about D. matildae. All these explanations proposed to explain soft tissue in dinosaur bones are tentative and not robust because they involve historical science in which the results of experiments done over a short period of time (maybe a few years) are applied to a long period of time (thousands and millions of years). Draw the Dinosaur's Face. Microscopy images of "soft tissues" isolated from bones of the Cretaceous dinosaur Brachylophosaurus canadensis (MOR 2598 and GPDM 328), along with extant They've even found chemical reactions consistent with the presence of DNA, though Schweitzer is quick to note that she hasn't proven DNA is really present. Armitages claim that he had been unlawfully terminated was vindicated as the university was unwilling to go to court. And Schweitzer has even recovered fragments of the more fragile and complex molecule, DNA. The find was also controversial, because scientists had thought proteins that make up soft tissue should degrade in less than 1 million years in the best of conditions. Schweitzer is set to search for more dinosaur soft tissue this summer. The big controversy started here at NC State when Mary Schweitzer posted photos and videos of stretchy tissue inside a T. rex bone in 2004. [7] With respect to the significance of her work, Kevin Padian, Curator of Paleontology, University of California Museum of Paleontology, has stated "Chemicals that might degrade in a laboratory over a short period need not do so in a protected natural chemical environmentit's time to readjust our thinking. At certain points along the triple helix, the individual protein strands are chemically bound to each other to form crosslinks. In 2005 paleontologist Mary Schweitzer found the first evidence for soft tissues in a dinosaur bone. Six reasons to be skeptical of the geologic time scale. Get the latest stories in your inbox every weekday. Soft tissue impressions are usually of the skin. But I wanted to show the chemistry behind these ideas, and that it plausibly explains the soft tissues and cells were seeing in, for example, dinosaurs. The iron-removing techniques should allow paleontologists to search more effectively for soft tissue, and to test it when they find it. Osteocytes with delicate filipodia and blood vessels in ostrich bone (A, C) compared with similar soft tissues in a dinosaur bone (B, D). (2018) are, in many cases, subsequent steps of a single, unified reaction mechanism, and not separate hypotheses. You can't predict when a specific unstable atom, or parent, will decay into a stable atom, or daughter. Demineralized fragments of tissues lining the marrow cavity of Tyrannosaurus rex femur. "What we found was unusual, because it was still soft and still transparent and still flexible," Schweitzer told LiveScience. Give me time in the future and all your doubts will fall. They are not calling them biofilms or instances of contamination. However, Mary Schweitzer, a molecular paleontologist at North Carolina State University, who headed up the research on the T. rex remains, explained that the soft tissue was able to be preserved by iron in the dinosaurs body, which preserved the tissue before it could decay. Depending on the depositional conditions and the kind of dinosaur, non-overlapping polygonal scales or feathers may be seen. On the dig he and others uncovered the largest Triceratops horn ever found at that location. They then tested the iron-as-preservative idea using modern ostrich blood vessels. What did David mean when he wrote that he was fearfully made in Psalm 139:14? The highly intertwined, cross-linked structure of collagen makes it reasonable that fragments of this molecule could survive for 68 million years. Dinosaur bones, on the other hand, are millions of years old -- some fossils are billions of years old. These two hypotheses, taken together, dont answer every question regarding soft tissue preservation in deep time. You can learn more about fossils, dinosaurs, radiometric dating and related topics by reading through the links below. London bridge has fallen down Notice that the press release admits that these biological tissues and cells exist. My two topics are The Cells Design and Dinosaur Blood and the Age of the Earth.. Soft tissues, such as blood vessels, cells, and nerves which are stored inside the hard tissue are more delicate and thought to decay rapidly after death. [14][15][16] Blood-derived porphyrin proteins have also been discovered in a mid Eocene mosquito fossil. A more recent study (October 2010) published in PLoS ONE contradicts the conclusion of Kaye and supports Schweitzer's original conclusion. "How do geologists date rocks? Along with "[8], Schweitzer previously announced similar discoveries in 1993. Wake up to the day's most important news. 2017: the study done in 2009 was repeated in order to answer critics. A thigh bone from a 70-million-year-old Tyrannosaurus rex has given fossil experts an unexpected treasure: well-preserved soft tissue. This news coincides with the release of the film Jurassic World, in which fictional scientists resurrect dinosaurs using dino DNA that "iron chelators" somehow preserved for millions They found the proteins really did come from dinosaur soft tissue. Artwork by Scott Hartman reveals the bone structure of T. rex. The controversial discovery of 68-million-year-old soft tissue from the bones of a Tyrannosaurus rex finally has a physical explanation. According to new research, iron in the dinosaur's body preserved the tissue before it could decay. Since 2004, soft tissue has been discovered in fossils all over the world, spanning the entire Deep Time continuum, as Dr Brian Thomas at ICR has shown. But carbon-14 dating won't work on dinosaur bones. Schweitzer and her colleagues first raised this question in 2005, when they found the seemingly impossible: soft tissue preserved inside the leg of an adolescent T. rex unearthed in Montana. . [6], Schweitzer was the first researcher to identify and isolate soft tissues from an ancient fossil bone. Scientists have had two decades to think about soft tissue preservation in dinosaur bones. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Cookie Settings, Elena Marian / Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum of Natural History, Five Places Where You Can Still Find Gold in the United States, Scientists Taught Pet Parrots to Video Call Each Otherand the Birds Loved It, The True Story of the Koh-i-Noor Diamondand Why the British Won't Give It Back. The result is like a radioactive clock that ticks away as unstable isotopes decay into stable ones. [12] For example, see these RTB resources for probable explanations for the T. rex soft tissue. At that time, Australia, Antarctica, New Zealand and South America were all connected in a southern landmass known as Gondwana. The discovery of soft tissue in dinosaur bones by Mary Schweitzer was unexpected and scientists have struggled to find a robust explanation. John Morris from the Institute of Creation Research writes: Indeed, it is hard to imagine how soft tissue could have lasted even 5,000 years or so since the Flood of Noahs day when creationists propose the dinosaur was buried. This is about 20,000 times older than the biblical explanation, which is a huge difference (more than 4 orders of magnitude). Traces of dino blood, soft tissue found even in junk bones For evolutionists who argue that dinosaurs died about 65 million years ago, it was a startling discovery. The fact that the fragments clustered to the most protected areas of the fibers makes better sense if they were generated from dinosaur collagens. "I'd like to find a honking big T. rex that's completely articulated that's still in the ground, or something similar," she said. Part of HuffPost Science. This Wyoming fossil has upturned the evolutionists Geologic chart to not be so logical anymore. (North Carolina State University, 28 April 2023). Category index "How Do Scientists Determine the Age of Dinosaur Bones?" To determine the ages of these specimens, scientists need an isotope with a very long half-life. Schweitzer's most explosive claim came 2 years later in two papers in Science. These soft tissues are composed mainly of proteins, which are believed to completely degrade within about four million years. So it cannot block water and oxygen indefinitely, which readily react with fragile molecules even underground. A chemical framework for the preservation of fossil vertebrate cells and soft tissues (Landon A. Anderson, Earth Science Reviews, May 2023 issue). Original article on LiveScience. ), Fixatives like formaldehyde keep the tissues from degrading in part, they make them less digestible to bacteria, says Landon Anderson, doctoral candidate at NCState and lead author of a study in Earth Science Reviews. By appealing to the magic of futureware, Landon Andersons statement could be sung to the tune of Somewhere Over the Rainbow.*. Ive been trying ever since to disprove it. It was really amazing to be able to find a skull at all and even more so to get so much of one that had been preserved.. Did you know that in 2013 a scientist was fired by a University because of his research into soft tissue in dinosaur bones? The first-of-its-kind find reveals how sauropods may have moved between Australia and South America during the mid-Cretaceous. More recently scientists recovered fragments of the protein collagen from this specimen as well. Some researchers say that the detailed, external bone surface texture on the face of, say, the T. rex is just like that of a crocodilian. Once all the parents have become daughters, there's no more basis for comparison between the two isotopes. Observations on life; particularly spiritual, Being fruitful in work, service & relationships, Six reasons to be skeptical of the geologic time scale. When did the Hebrews or Israelites become known as Jews? While fossils generally do not preserve soft tissue such as lungs, a very fine theropod dinosaur fossil ( Sinosauropteryx) has been found in which the outline of the visceral cavity has been well preserved. 2009: protein (collagen) fragments were isolated from a 80 million year old (geologic time scale) hadrosaur fossil. For one, scientists can now create a loose reconstruction of how the dinosaurs face might have looked. For a scientist committed all his life to Deep Time, stretchable soft tissue is hard for someone like Landon Anderson to accept in bones believed to be tens of millions of years old. Before the law suit on this dismissal went to court, CSUN settled, paying compensatory damages, lawyers fees, and money for lost wages. (2014) and Wiemann et al. It was really convincing, says paleontologist Martin Sander of the University of Bonn, Germany. The fields of soil and petroleum science even accept that recalcitrant biomarkers can preserve through time as portions of these highly crosslinked kerogen macromolecules (Westbroek et al., 1979; Philp and Gilbert, 1987; Gupta, 2014; Ferrer et al., 2018). Her first report of the preserved tissue ( Science, 25 March 2005, p. 1952) was based on preliminary tests. Not only is Ann the first Diamantinasaurus uncovered with a mostly preserved skull, but its also the first fossil of the species with a preserved back foot, per the statement. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. Scientists have had two decades to think about soft tissue preservation in dinosaur bones. "Once we can get the chemistry behind some of these soft tissues, there's all sorts of questions we can ask of ancient organisms," Schweitzer said. to explain how it could last tens of millions of years. The controversial discovery of 68-million-year-old soft tissue from the bones of a Tyrannosaurus rex finally has a physical explanation. It sounds pretty mystical to appeal to futureware. Soft tissue has also been extracted from bones that are assumed to be from the Jurassic period which lasted from 145-200 million years. The prior iron-mediated radical crosslinking and AGE/ALE mechanisms are re-described in context of established chemistry from a diversity of scientific fields. Keep your eye on the issue: how could stretchable soft tissues, cells and proteins survive for tens of millions of years against all the forces that would degrade them in short order? In relative dating, fossils are compared to similar fossils and rocks, the ages of which are known. The discovery of soft tissue in dinosaur bones was unexpected and scientists have struggled to find a robust explanation. The fossil horn was found in the famous Hell Creek Formation near Glendive, Montana. Radiometric dating!" The soft material was present in pre- and post-decalcified bone. The last step may be the trickiest: Possibly the most controversial part of reconstructing a dinosaur's appearance is determining what, exactly, their faces looked like. The biblical explanation allows for catastrophic events (such as the flood of Noah), whereas the Uniformitarian explanation minimizes the role of catastrophic events (because it has a preference for gradual events). Why was Judah the most prominent tribe of Israel? The same is true if you take a block away from one of the pyramid's sides, making the rest unstable. The controversial discovery of 68-million-year-old soft tissue from the bones of a Tyrannosaurus rex finally has a physical explanation. The stretchy material, which Where they should be three separate bones, these bones have grown together, Carrano said. Yes, proteins do break down into amino acids or peptides that crosslink to form N-heterocyclic polymers. From the paper by Landon Anderson. WebT-Rex in soft Tissue!Tyrannosaurs Rex, the most popular Dinosaur in the world touted to have lived over 70 million years ago has been found in soft tissue. Scientists at Imperial College London have discovered what appear to be the remnants of soft tissue and red blood cells in poorly preserved dinosaur bones dating back 75 million years. Do proposed solutions beg the question or toss answers into the futureware bin? These are complex molecules that continually tend to break down to simpler ones. The biblical explanation mainly involves rapid processes over short periods of time, whereas the Uniformitarian explanation mainly involves slow processes over long periods of time. But it doesnt explain totally un-crosslinked soft dinosaur tissues (Thomas, 2019). (1/2/2008), USGS. According to the laws of chemistry and physics, within a few hundred thousand to a million years, all proteins in soft tissue structures should be hydrolyzed and completely degraded. The earths geological and climatological history has determined the current geomorphological and geological structure of the earth. That study, mentioned by Kevin Anderson in the video clip, reported stretchable tissue and osteocytes present in a Triceratops horn. Look at how he begs the question: The fossil fuels used daily by society consist of original biomolecules of ancient plants and microorganisms that have been chemically transformed into carbonaceous macromolecules referred to as kerogens (Tissot and Welte, 1984; Tegelaar et al., 1989; Vandenbroucke and Largeau, 2007). Does he deal adequately with all the objections, like temperature fluctuations, percolating water, radiation and all? Eight protein fragments were found from a 80 million year old (geologic time scale) hadrosaur fossil. Photograph B shows the demineralized bone in (A) after air drying. One (Biblical) is based on recorded history in the Bible and the other (Uniformitarian) is based on assuming that the present (processes today) is the key to the past (ancient processes) and on the hypothetical geologic time scale. As remarkable as the discovery of soft tissue in dinosaur fossils seems to be, it cannot be used to argue legitimately for a young earth. Yeah, those frogs were preserved via crosslinking with formaldehyde. Follow us @livescience, Facebook & Google+. These layers are like bookends -- they give a beginning and an end to the period of time when the sedimentary rock formed. If endogenous, putative dinosaur soft tissues should contain diagenetically unstable proteins and phospholipids, vulnerable to hydrolysis, although the released fatty Under the biblical explanation of geologic history (see Appendix B), the dinosaurs were buried during the global flood about 4.5k years ago. Two weeks after the results of this research were published, Armitage was terminated from his position as the Manager of the Electron and Confocal Microscopy Laboratory in the Biology Department at California State University Northridge (CSUN).

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