ascension symptoms march 2021

This latest deep BLUE template layer has also made it easier to embody, circulate, and consciously direct the NEW Light energies and codes within our physical and energy bodies, HighHearts and consciousness much faster. Lengthy orbits move stars, suns and planets etc. The meaning of the navel (I feel given to say) is likely to be pointing to the place where You (the real you) is born from. 21 Classic symptoms of the shift: what are yours? It looked like a round lit mandala with numerous layers of rings of pale false light, each a slightly different shade of pallid false light in very washed-out colors. In terms of accessing 5D consciousness, here's an Openhand article on that with 4 essential keys Transitioning to 5D Consciousness What do You Focus on? Thanks for reading. Stay tuned to Openhand as it's specifically crafted to help people during these times. But,but were doing this phase of the Great & Good Work on different ground than we did during Phase 1. Out with more of the old negativity and simultaneous embodiment and anchoring of another layer of NEW Humans NEW Earth energy template. The approaching Pluto in Aquarius energies have already been causing humanity to excavate, externalize and express long suppressed Plutonian Underworld (subconscious) feelings and issues and finally give voice to them in this higher Light. or do I actually have to go and leave this life? Some of it/them are still around etherically in early 2023, and some have recently been popping up again in our lives but its why its happening now thats the point of this article. Sporadic bursts of energy. Even my saying that in this linear, one word following another word form isnt altogether correct. But I now live back at home, and I struggle to be around others that arent on my vibrational frequency. One-on-one support and Free 5D Shift eBook. It is a lengthy process of self inquiry, self mastery and realisation over a long period of time through dedicated spiritual practice that progressively raises your energetic vibration. 4. and can indeed See, Hear, Feel and perceive them, they camouflage themselves and their etheric tools and devices in old classic earth human forms they know well believe is the Light, is an Ascended Master, is a positive ET or group of ETs, is Jesus, is Angelic and so on. DMCA protected and enforced. And vice versa. And then review this Openhand video below to get a sense of how your vibration might be rising. Not with words, I mean I get the words in my mind on my side translated for my thinking but I can tell what plants and rocks are saying. Info just started coming in since March 2020 through social media. The sudden return of this etheric periwinkle colored sphere I was repeatedly Seeing again, along with everything Ive experienced from October 2022 through January 2023, are connected. What may seem to be at odds with what I just said is everything thats coming for the USA, and rest of the world too. Piscean Age main world religions and global governments, political and dictatorship controls over humanity have expired. How do we live with the people stuck in 3D if we're in 5D? This next part is an important distinction I want to stress because its the answer to AFs question. A reader recently requested I talk about the unrelenting and debilitating exhaustion so many of us are feeling. Do you think this could be the path we are destined for as all three of us resonated? What goes around comes around and were very much there now. What is the shift to 5D consciousness really all about? Not getting lost in patterns but always watching for the next rhythm that wants to come through. Thatwas what it was monitoring. Eventually my gall bladder rebelled to the point where I had to do a rigorous liver and gall bladder stone 6-day cleanse and 7th day flush. (Despite drinking plenty of fluids). However, in the summer, many family and friends come to visit this nature and use my place as a base for that. If you cannot honestly, accurately, and instantly discern for yourself what is true Divine Light and what is inorganic, intentionally created negative false light, then when you see and/or See negative false light youre going to misinterpret it and what you think and believe it is and everything else about it. Copyright Denise Le Fay & TRANSITIONS & HighHeartLife, 2017. Live from your HighHeart Center because its your NEW Human Homebase. Continue doing what youre an old pro energy Master in all this First Everythingers; spanning larger frequency ranges than most could physically and psychologically survive plus hold them for years and decades within your bodies, hearts and consciousness. There areSecond WaversandThird Wavers and each of the three (Triality) groups of ascension Volunteers have their individual masterships, qualifications, capabilities, endurance levels, and different energy activation timings. Or to be more exact, to express those boundaries before they get broken in order to be clearer with others (and myself). Still allowing the calibrations to take effect. Wish you all the best in your ascensions into the 5D world! We come forward now in this moment of your time with much news to share with you ever-evolving humanity. Take time to discover your new self and explore your emerging interests. Ascension makes you appreciate the need for harmony in the world. Your spiritual consciousness is enlightened so, you seek to achieve peak human interaction. One of the most common 5D ascension symptoms is heightened sensitivity. Upon 5D ascension, your 6th sense is awakened. The past Universal Duality-based Team Dark archonic battles have been between Dark and Light, between Service to Self and Service to Others, between ascending and descending people and worlds, between negative nonhumans and certain humans. The ascension Volunteers didnt volunteer to incarnate now so we could live in physical earthly bliss. Some of the now elder ascension Volunteers intentionally incarnated when Pluto was in Leo (19391957) to have that specific energy template natally in their physical bodies, hearts, HighHearts and consciousness to further aid them in Playing the Ascension Long Game, especially when Pluto enters Aquarius March 24, 2023, for the first time consciously in humanity. Now, who and what would want humanity to be prevented from accessing higher levels of consciousness, personal empowerment, higher frequency energies and abilities? Getting body aches and pains, as well as a bit of depression, yet these occasions are short lived, not requiring doctors and medication - yay! During the flushing out phase of this process, while seated on the toilet most of the night purging physical liver and gallstones, something etheric connected to them was also purged. This is good, very good despite the challenging reality side effects it will cause globally. That absolutely cannot be purchased. For the most part we Volunteers are used to creating our personal transition cubbyhole spaces to be our protective higher frequency sanctuaries, our private little renewal shrine nooks out of ascending necessity, and weve gotten really good at doing this for ourselves during these Ascension Process years. Think of all the tech and AI devices and tools that exist in our physical lives. Why did you allow that? And dear fellow senior Volunteers, you thought Retirement Time was close at hand! These are extraordinary times for sure - lots of downloads and upgrades. Typically, the First Everythingersaka the First Waversare the ones that always go first, embody first, are attacked by Team Dark first, energetically clean and clear old negativity, density, Duality, the many layers of deliberate Team Dark distortions and inversions and the disconnections they did to human DNA etc. Much of 2023 will continue to be this for those of us capable of doing this intense level of energy Work and purging in and through our physical bodies. I am also feeling distorted and disconnection as I am going through the death of EGO whilst doing the shadow work. 1. For example, we live in a reality where nearly 8 billion people live in a construct that is daily destroying their lives and the planet. (1) You know how you can feel things getting better inside you, your consciousness and your physical body? Flu-like symptoms. Virtually everyone is nice to me, and vice versa. Stupidly, it never dawned on me that I was under demonic attack at that time, which goes a long way in showing how gullible, susceptible and woefully unaware we of the Light have been. Heart pressures, physical aches and pains around the entire front, sides and back of the upper HighHeart area. for example, I know I need to start my life all over but leaving my family is something I am struggling with due to the fact that we only have a few weeks left until the event. I was going to get on a ladder to do some work today but after yesterdays energy vertigo and body pains, and todays online eye interference, Im staying on terra firma (as best I can) until I know its safe. This is humanitys current ascension agendamore evolving out of past separations and patriarchy and into greater integrations individually and Triality reality and consciousness. The first is Saturn intoPisces on March 7, 2023. You physically see, clairvoyantly See and/or dream or lucid dream and perceive some strange etheric something, and around the same time suddenly become sick in some way, disabled in some way, oppressed in some way or ways, then you need to quickly put two-and-two together and perceive the larger, more complex multidimensional picture of what youre experiencing and why as best you can at the time. In reply to The temple in which you house the soul by Open, Thank you for your reflection! And often accompanying these symptoms is the emotional overwhelm sensation and sudden weeping. Meaning You as the source creator. As you follow this embodiment process, you create something called the "Merkaba". Pain, fear, trauma, shock, confusion, self-doubt, negative beings, psychic attacks, higher expanded states of bliss and visions etc. This is no accident or coincidence but a deliberate astrological energy connection we made from Soul level before we incarnated as ascension Volunteers. Ill go one more step with this and ask you, which of the planets in our solar system was intentionally inverted and portrayed as satanic during the Age of Pisces? This is what theascended high frequency Age of Aquarius Uranus / Leo Sun is all about. DMCA protected and enforced. Many of these Volunteers had very deliberate and strategic past lives in different times on Earth in different countries to not only gain a quick grasp of physical human life at those energy levels, but also to do certain ascension energy Work in each of them to assist the version thats incarnate now living the actual Ascension Process and Separation of Worlds shifts to ascending NEW Earth for NEW Humans. None of this is by chance but deliberate, highly complex, Soul-level pre-incarnational ascension Volunteer considerations so wed have what we needed energetically astrologically in each incarnation in the different astrological Ages during the past 26,000-yearlong cycle. For many years before this night of liver and gallstone purging, I had a NEED to eat a lot of chocolate candy. Im certainly not the only First Everythinger that has been and continues going through this in early 2023. Am I Ascending?What are the Symptoms of Ascension? This will only increase this year and in 2024. The key is always to focus on your own path, progressively integrate soul within, and that will naturally help those who are ready to be helped. Ascension Shift New Earth Symptoms and Increase of Electromagnetic Energies Revisited are some old body issues and conditions and as the new expansion The less old separation there is, the more powerful everything naturally becomes. There are many times where I feel "hyper active" - however that feels like a fast vibration. The 5Gateways of Ascension. I got the feeling to stop eating red meat and also to finally meditate and have more discipline to connect to my higher self and my spirit guides even though I didn't know what they were at the time. DMCA protected and enforced. That was my version of a big hearts up about these NEW template layer additions this year. The left image is the Milky Way galaxy, the right image represents the 7D Photon Bands of Light. My family are all stuck in 3D severely and it upsets me, but I'm feeling as if I can let them go if I have to is this normal? Amazing! It usually happens while I am surrounded by nature and I noticed there are no ants or annoying flying, biting bugs. These feelings and issues have always been there, its now time for humanity to consciously purge them and feel heal deal and most importantly, release them. When I saw it, my first surprised thought was how like my ascension Volunteer life reality it was in that SO MUCH was happening ALL AT ONCE from different dimensions, different timelines, alternate lives, past lives, worlds, consciousnesses and probabilities and this Denise version is the one doing the Pathpaving for it/them all. Its sometimes helpful to reread my posts in monthly order throughout a whole year because each month is like a different chapter in the book of that particular year. Theres also been a steady increase in more humans becoming seriously unstable mentally and emotionally due to this escalating magnetic deconstruction falling away process. This makes for an evolved NEW Human that functions and perceives from their Individual HighHeart Center and Higher Consciousness and Awareness. The graduating class is harvested and evolves, ascends up and out of that frequency range and into a higher next level and state of being. Sounds exactly like what God would want humans to do, right? Please keep that in heartmind as you read this. I shouldnt need to say how big a deal this is, or how rough its going to sometimes be for many humans, and nonhumans. Those that arent ready or willing to change and evolve now remain in the lower frequency of the precessional astrological Ages cycle until they are. For the last two weeks, I've had occasional ringing in my ears I went outside February 17, 2023, while the X-2 solar flare was frying everything some more and saw human aircraft laying more chemtrails directly overhead. Others have said how their eyes have been hurting, dry, irritated, blurry, sore and bruised feeling. They knew some of us would retain the memory of these dreams and would share what we experienced in them with other people and online. I should say, there has been this shit. You come into a hybrid state, where you're following the 5D flow, yet still existing in a 3D body. then go to church and have religious patriarchal males absolve you of your responsibility. into and out of one of them at different times. With every one of these big magnetic field, magnetic structural deconstruction blasts, a lot of old energy debris and etheric carcasses and other such multidimensional things are literally wafting about in the aftermath of these epic energy template transitions. Do not misunderstand or underestimate your Individual importance in the Pluto Leo Pluto Aquarius ascension energies, Ages, past/present lives and timings. That said, Im going to throw out some points about these 2023 Eclipses and Pluto going Retrograde and then Direct around the same time as these Eclipses. It's a knowing. Dont feel or think that your invisibility and silence means youre not doing anything helpful. Some 13,000 years later I write this in this life and time of ascension at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius. Yeah I know. This weve done throughout Phase 1 of the Ascension Process (1998 through December 2019). One symptom that keeps on cropping up for me and one of the reasons I still haven't fully weaned off weed yet, is hyperactivity. reduce any and all bullshit in my life and surroundings, pick and choose all I do and do not do from my HighHeart, not my mind, use my scant daily sovereign Lifeforce energies with real care, honesty and awareness, do nothing physical when I and my body need to do nothing but be still and with Source as my NEW Human Self, keep my HighHeart on the spiritual energetic ascension goal no matter what insanity is unfolding around me, MUCH greater self-care at this higher level and never forget the reasons why, accept this higher level of spiritual maturity and ascension energy Work as gracefully as Im currently capable of, always be open to knowing and being much more. Its also time for everyone to know that my online copyright Intellectual Property is written by me for In reply to ascension question by David Murawski (not verified), Hi David, Greetings and welcome to Openhand. Its believed by some that only the Ages of Leo and Aquarius take place in a section of space where one of numerous massive 7D Photon Bands of Light exist, while the rest of the Ages all take place outside of this (our) locations band in whats called the Galactic Night. Be well and take extra good care of your body and HighHeart while more Source and Home gets embodied and more ancient gunk gets purged. Deep desire to know souls mission and desire to help the world?

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