how can i measure my body frequency

Figure 20-10. Dobrin R et al: Experimental measurements of the human energy field . A large influx of funding for biofield science is recommended to support a concerted effort over the long term by a larger community of collaborating scientists. Additionally, some of the more recently developed medical scans, such as functional magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography, can also be used as indirect indicators of electromagnetic activity. Let's. That this area of research is in its infancy, with inadequate funding, no ongoing government sponsorship, and developed by a small number of people working largely in isolation, must be pointed out. To use a heart rate monitor, you will need to purchase one, strap it around your chest, and then follow the instructions on the device. The benefits of monitoring your breathing include being able to track your respiratory rate over time and gain insight into your overall physical health. Using a heart rate monitor is one of the most accurate ways to measure your body frequency. The biophoton emission from humans in studies on consciousness has also been investigated. The method should theoretically allow determination of other compounds which are resonant with the human body. METHODS OF MEASURING HUMAN BODY FREQUENCIES OR HARMONICS AND TREATING CONDITIONS BASED ON THE RESONANCE PHENOMENON BETWEEN A PRODUCT AND A HUMAN BODY'S FREQUENCIES OR. On the other hand, an advantage can be found to observing indicators of the future state of the patient energetically using biofield measurements. The main part of the human body natural frequency. The measurement of all the points takes approximately 5 minutes. BFD simplified the EAV procedure; it introduced silver electrodes that conduct electricity better than the brass used in EAV, it introduced a sector measurement to assess any blockages in regions of the body, and it used only a few dozen acupuncture points on the hands and feet. For example, a Helmholtz coil or ceramic crystals could be used to replay the signal. By measuring various aspects of the biofield, we may be able to recognize organ and tissue dysfunctions even in advance of diseases or symptoms and treat them appropriately so as to eradicate them. Nonetheless, comparing biofield measurements of a specific subject over time may show meaningful changes that relate to the persons state of health and may even provide evidence of a developing pathologic abnormality. Recent Article on the Evolution of a Theory of Covid Origins, Virus mutation by artificially guided selection. Distant healing, which is often combined with spiritual healing and prayer, may involve no energy transfer whatsoever if it occurs by the principle of quantum nonlocality, or it may involve a putative energy not yet identified in science. The Body resonates a frequency when healthy between 62-72 Hz. It may not display this or other websites correctly. All 10 fingers of each of the adults were assessed using the GDV camera immediately before and after performing Dayan (wild goose) qigong in a group setting. Nonetheless, only a limited number of studies has been conducted investigating a very limited number of human subjects in these studies, making any firm conclusions premature. 60% of all subjects showed a decrease in signal strength after listening to scary music. J Soc Sci Explor 7:293, 1993. The Kirlian technique was used clinically in Germany for decades, and the Vega-Grieshaber Company manufactured cameras to record the Kirlian emission of hands and feet. Most research has focused on electromagnetic aspects of the biofield. The BT3 system has a sensor which can be used to measure the frequency of any substance between 20 Hz and 1.3 GHz. In foundational research for CAM, more interest has occurred in measuring regions of the human emission spectrum that are unrelated to thermal excitations of biomolecules, as in the case of visible light. Therefore scientific advances in biofield research have been few, and biofield science remains a frontier area ripe for exploration. Dr. Joie Jones conducted studies on the effects of pranic healing on cultured cells at the University of California, Irvine, over many years (Jones, 2001). 1 b is a schematic illustration of narrow band measurement of frequencies emitted by skin. As John Muir wrote, "if we try to pick out any thing by itself, we find it hitched to every thing else in the universe" (Muir, 1911). Tracking your sleep patterns is another way to measure your body frequency. If, for example, two fundamental frequency sources consisting of a 25Mhz source and a 50Mhz source interact, one resultant interaction frequency would be 75MHz. This type of energy is extremely low level, but it can today be accurately measured with sophisticated instrumentation that is generally customized (Lin et al, 2006; Van Wijk and Van Wijk, 2005). Early systematic measurements of human biophotons attempted to record the radiation from naked subjects with photomultiplier tubes and found that the noise in the detector was approximately the same order of magnitude as the signal. Rubik B, Brooks A: Digital high-voltage electrophotographic measures of the fingertips of subjects pre- and post-qigong, Evid Based Integr Med 2( 4 ):24, 2005. Living systems may be regarded as complex, nonlinear, dynamic, self-organizing systems of energetic and field phenomena. Korotkov K: Aura and consciousness, St Petersburg, Russia, 1999, Russian Ministry of Culture, State Editing and Publishing Unit. Applying this principle to the present method, products, raw materials or compounds with known frequencies can be combined to yield EM sources that emit frequencies that, for example, match human body frequencies. In this chapter, no further effort to discuss these conventional measurements will be made. Schematic setup of the GDV camera. Photograph showing subject undergoing measurement using the EMAS. This lack of standardization causes further difficulties for research on biofield therapies. by the cosmetic product, the pharmaceutical product or the electronic device effectively treat the condition. Your email address will not be published. Introducing the HVM200 Human Vibration Meter The HVM200 is a small rugged vibration meter with built in Wi-Fi that can be used to measure hand-arm, whole body and general vibration. All of these emissions are part of the human energy field, also called the biologic field, or biofield. Accordingly, it appears that a partial energetic transfer between product and human body has occurred. Can inactivity or to much inactivity give you diabetes? Y. Feldman et al., Phys. Just a few reasons to keep at it (and going solo counts): It boosts your immune system, burns calories, lowers blood pressure, helps you relax, eases . Sullivan and colleagues at the University of California Los Angeles reported that patients with lung disease confirmed by x-ray examination had 30% lower electrical conductivity readings taken at acupuncture lung points than those of healthy patients. Next, a topical product is applied to the skin, or EM waves are broadcast from an electronic device to the skin and the frequency and amplitude (power) of EM signals emitted by the subject human body are measured, again using the method and instruments described above. In CAM, which uses many individualized, as well as multiple, therapies to treat conditions and diseases, the ideographic approach may, in fact, be the only meaningful method. Rubik B et al: In vitro effect of Reiki treatment on bacterial cultures: role of experimental context and practitioner well-being, J Altern Complement Med 12:7, 2006. A number of authors emphasize that the human body generates electromagnetic fields and mechanical vibrations with different frequencies. It is another object of the invention to measure the frequencies phase and intensity (or amplitude) of electromagnetic fields emitted by allergens from fragrances, essential oils, other plant extracts, and ingredients or pharmaceutical actives. Also at the cutting edge of biofield research is the question of how the biofield may shift as a result of shifts in consciousness. Highly significant increases in extremely low frequency (ELF) fluctuations were observed compared with baseline controls and were observed for both hands of practitioners. Products, for example, topicals or devices, exhibiting new EM frequency fields can be made by mixing, or multiplying, two or more oscillating waveforms (i.e., heterodyning). With the multimeter still connected to the circuit, press the Hz button. Collecting data at the same time of day each day for comparison purposes is also important because of the circadian rhythms in the flow of qi in the meridians. Nakatani also discovered age, gender, and seasonal variations in the conductivity values and that when the values are generally higher, the subjects autonomic nervous system is hyperaroused. L. Turin, The Emperor of Scent describes the Vibrational Theory of a scent. Also possible is that the living targets of these biofield therapies may respond more to putative energies that are not measured by laboratory instruments. Additionally, the induced light emission that is measured as the Kirlian effect from high-voltage electrophotography will also be discussed. As used herein, the term "capture" means measuring EM fields using the method previously described in this application. The Western style EDS devices are tools that can access aspects of the bodys biofield control system and communicate with it to obtain answers about the patients sensitivity to and need for nutritionals, remedies, and environmental substances. Moreover, other mysteries in biology and medicine exist that appear to involve interacting energetic fields, including the mystery of regenerative healing in animals, sometimes associated with innate electromagnetic energy fields that have been measured (Becker, 1960, 1961) and sometimes actually stimulated with external low-level energy fields (Becker, 1972; Smith, 1967). These studies use some of the latest biomolecular techniques with high specificity to show how external qi may interact and cause changes in living systems. Besides the GDV capture program, other GDV software modules have been developed that work in tandem to assess various parameters of the emission patterns, including area, intensity, density, and fractality, as well as details of various sectors of the fingertip patterns that purportedly relate to the bioenergetics of specific organs and organ systems (Figure 20-7) (Korotkov, 2002). Gurvich A G: Die mitogenetische strahlung, ihre physikalische-chemischen grundlagen und ihre anwendung in biologie und medizin, Jena, Germany, 1959, Veb G Fisher. Non contact monitoring of the respiration activity by electromagnetic sensing. Brain researchers used to study the workings of the brain only in special laboratories at universities or hospitals. Although these phenomena involve an integral and dynamic wholeness that challenge the power of molecular explanation, another biophysical view of life has been offered that may help explain them. The evaluation of the fingertip sectors and their comparison with particular organs and tissues in the GDV software is said to be based on both the system of acupuncture meridians and su jok (a form of Korean hand acupuncture) (Korotkov, 1999). The human subject may be considered as part of a large electrical circuit in the GDV technique. Is there a way to use the hydrogen in the human body? Electrotherapy disappeared from medicine and became regarded as quackery. Other studies with human osteoblasts revealed that therapeutic touch stimulated normal human osteoblast adhesion, with significant changes in integrin levels. The various biofield practices coevolved with different ideas about the origin of the energy transmitted and the role of the practitioner. These values represent the "Control" or the signal from the body alone. Replication of this effect has been achieved but with great difficulty (Korotkov, personal communication, 2002). Lett. To date, 520 experiments have been conducted of 10 culture dishes each involving 10 different pranic healers. When the results from all three studies were pooled to form summary statistics, including an overall t-test for significance, the mean for the qigong/sham data was above 1.0 but not statistically significant (Yount et al, 2004). In this setting, energy emission analysis on patients was developed by Peter Mandel, who documented many clinical cases (Mandel, 1986). When finished, remove the leads in reverse order: red first, then black. A method for measuring in real-time the frequency and the power of an electromagnetic ("EM") field emitted by a human body for different body conditions, the resonance phenomenon between. Once we clearly identify the various modes of this coupling, our understanding of energy medicine and other CAM therapies, and indeed of life itself, will move to a new level. The spectrum, the frequencies and the units of power (amplitude) of the EM signals are measured by and Chwirot W B, Dygdala R S, Chwirot S: Quasi-monochromatic-lightinduced photon emission from microsporocytes of larch shows oscillating decay behavior predicted by the electromagnetic model of differentiation, Cytobios 47:137, 1987. These results are consistent with the expectation in oriental medicine that better regulation of qi results from practicing qigong, with qi flowing in a smooth unimpeded manner throughout the body. I guess that you are referring to the human body. Conventional science and medicine have long used the electrocardiogram (ECG) and the electroencephalogram (EEG) to assess physiologic function of heart and brain, respectively. A quantity of a substance weighing 10 grams was placed in a glass jar 2 cm in diameter and 5.5 cm high. For example love is somewhere between 520 and 560 on . A machine called an electromyograph (EMG) uses sensors to measure muscle tightening. The other school, which we term here the biophysical school, retains the Gurvich heritage and maintains that the organism is a radiator and antenna of a particular range of electromagnetic frequencies or biophotons that are coherent (in phase) and are used for communication, growth, and regulation in the living state. The baseline frequency f1 read on the frequency meter screen is 8MHz. The inventors further believe that cancelling the frequencies with a treatment regimen may relieve the symptoms and/or mitigate or cure the disease. Some recent studies on biofield therapies are discussed briefly he re. You can then count the number of breaths you take in a minute to get your respiratory rate. A third example is a study conducted in academic laboratories in both China and the United States, indicating that external qi caused a small change in the circular dichroism spectrum of poly D-glutamic acid, which may reflect a change in the secondary structure of the polypeptide (Chu et al, 2001). An example of a study in which such parametric calculations were made is one exploring how performing qigong influences the GDV images of 16 adult subjects (Rubik and Brooks, 2005). It is said that the intensity of this radiation is proportional to the temperature of the region of the body from which it originates. Global and local factors in GDV photographs of finger emissions. 7. The heart produces coherent contraction of numerous muscle cells, resulting in vigorous electrical activity. Of the materials tested, ascorbic acid is also known to be the most effective at increasing collagen synthesis, etc. In another Korean study, left-right biophoton asymmetry from the hands of seven patients with hemiparesis was studied. The EMAS device is essentially a computer card housed in a metal casing that connects to a computer universal serial bus port and an alternating current (AC) power outlet (Figure 20-11). A fifth problem for research is the many different models of the GDV camera, without any attention to model numbers or the manufacturer revealing the differences between the models. Cohen S, Popp F A: Biophoton emission of the human body, Indian J Exp Biol 41( 5 ):440, 2003. Can we see a relationship between the transient shifts in biofield parameters and shifts in consciousness of the patient? It is based on the principle that disease is thought to be reflected by the 12 source acupuncture points (Oda, 1989). The discharge of light from the finger is the result of a glowing gas plasma of charged particles from the finger to the plate that conducts electricity. In 1950, Reinhold Voll, a German physician, was studying the acupuncture meridian system. A first real time spectrum analyzer is connected to a broad frequency range antenna placed in contact with the skin, electromagnetic fields emitted by a particular condition of the subject human body are measured to reveal peaks of power, and a second narrow frequency antenna is used to measure the peak more accurately. Therefore a lack of standardization appears to exist. These findings from basic research, if replicated by others and further developed and standardized as tests, may also prove useful as assays or bioassays to measure the level of bioinformational energy delivered by human hands. You will hear/feel a missing heartbeat with a slightly elevated next beat. Connor M, Schwartz G: Measuring ELF magnetic fields. To increase the selectivity and gain, two quarter-wave wire wound antennas were built for these particular EM frequencies: a first at 3.3 meters/4=0.825M length, with 5 windings for the 91 MHz antennae; and a second at 4.0 meters/4=1.0 meters length, with 4 windings for the 75.01 MHz antennae. In most people, BMI correlates to body fat the higher the number, the more . And to the degree you have access to higher states of being. For example, these devices allow researchers to measure the brain activity of students in classrooms, as they go through the school day. In any case, we anticipate that biofield measurements may not be definitive but will add yet another dimension to the clinical picture and the resolution of the health problems of a patient.

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