how old was maggie smith in harry potter

[71], On 2 April, however, the Calamity Management Team was horrified to learn that their threat of teaching Harry "a lesson they don't cover at Hogwarts" had been deliberately misleading; and that while the Ministry had been preoccupied securing the school, members of the cabal had gone to Diagon Alley and, with the help of Polyjuice Potion to assume the identiites of Barnabas Cuffe and Hermione, tried to get the jump on Ron and Ginny at work. JK Rowling One-On-One: Part One. [27], Minerva and Harry arguing over Albus and Scorpius's friendship. Having concluded, however, that the collective disappointment at its cancellation would be more likely to trigger a new surge with Hogwarts at the heart of it than to allow the student body their yearly competition, the new season was held as normal. Margaret Natalie Smith was born on December 28, 1934, in Ilford, England, and grew up in Oxford, where her father worked as a University of Oxford lab technician. Snape was killed by Voldemort during the battle, but she learnt that Snape had killed Dumbledore in a painful act of loyalty to the Headmaster's own orders too late. Though she wasn't a member of the Order of the Phoenix during the First Wizarding War, Minerva greatly helped the Ministry of Magic's resistance through spying on Death Eaters and bringing the Aurors crucial information on their activities. [60], The Headmistress took no small amount of pride in the fact that more than seventy-four percent of the volunteers that had taken time off their busy schedules to assist the Ministry by quill and parchment with the job of tracking, sorting, cataloguing, collating, and archiving returned Foundables for the Ministry were current and former members of Hufflepuff House. Maggie Smith Net Worth Maggie Smith The retired Elphinstone bought a small cottage for the two of them in Hogsmeade, whence Minerva could travel easily to work every day. In fact, director Chris Columbus, who helmed the first two movies in the franchise "Harry Potter and the. A notable example of this is when Leta sealed shut the mouth of a fellow student during her third year after the other girl had been speaking ill of her behind her back. Despite their hatred for each other, both McGonagall and Umbridge share the same Patronus: a cat, although McGonagall's resembled her Animagus form. Maggie Smith Feels That Her Work In Harry Potter Isn't Really Acting. McGonagall was devastated at the murder in 1981 of Lily and James, both of whom she considered her all-time favourites. Minerva took a shine to Hermione Granger since the younger witch successfully transfigured a match into a needle early on in her first Transfiguration lesson, before any other student. She kept a close eye on Harry from time to time during his early childhood, as did the members of the Order of the Phoenix. She and McGonagall were allies during the Battle of the Astronomy Tower and the Battle of Hogwarts, surviving the Second Wizarding War. It was later noted that the Gryffindor Quidditch team had, despite some injuries on the part of the players, a fine showing that season, as had the Slytherin team, which the Headmistress herself judged to have been deserving recognition for their successes. WebSep 6, 2022 Dame Maggie Smith was born on December 28, 1934. This particularly strong concern for Harry, clearly above what Minerva felt for most other individual students, was later shown in his third year: She proved she cared far more for Harry than winning the Quidditch Cup for Gryffindor, ensuring he was kept in maximum security and limiting his time to practise and even not hesitating to confiscate the Firebolt he was given to out of concern it was sent by Sirius Black and instantly lost her temper when Oliver Wood suggested Harry be allowed to fall off his broom as long as he caught the Snitch, intimidating Wood into submission. Since where students that were of age from each school got the opportunity to meet and test their mettle in the field of Potion-making against their peers from the Russian school of magic Koldovstoretz, Mahoutokoro in Japan and the Ugandan institution of Uagadou. [12], Harry informed McGonagall of a quest that Dumbledore had left him. During these months an eighteen-years old Minerva met Dougal McGregor, a local Muggle, who was the handsome, clever, and funny son of a local farmer. Pomfrey seemed to admire McGonagall's magical abilities and strength. Furthermore, Minerva was appointed the position of Head of Gryffindor House, the house in which she used to reside whilst studying at Hogwarts. [11], After Umbridge's appointment as High Inquisitor, Minerva was forced to endure the other woman's presence during her evaluation of Minerva's teaching. [72], Much to the relief of everyone involved, however, he was finally returned to them after The Unforgivable proposed to give them Ron in exchange for the complete control of The Calamity, and even though the Ministry's effort to use the trade to infiltrate the organisation went awry, both the Ministry and denizens of Hogwarts alike was delighted to learn that he had been found, although Hugo and Rose was left having to cope with the fact that their own father had no recollection of who they were, having been completely Obliviated, and Minerva did her outmost to offer her support.[72]. [1], Minerva in her earlier years as a Professor, Instead, Minerva sent an owl to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, asking whether she might be considered for a teaching post. She later had two brothers, Malcolm and Robert Jnr, who revealed magical ability in due course. [5] In her youth, Minerva was described to not be as beautiful as her mother, but she was still rather pretty according to her picture in that age. I had no problem getting the wig on. Occupation The two shared a sense of humour, argued fiercely, and suspected mysterious depths in each other. Today Show (NBC), 26 July 2007, Director of the Investigation Department No. [1], After graduating from Hogwarts, Minerva was offered a position at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the British Ministry of Magic. [63], The first possession to be returned to her self-playing harp, at which point Minerva showed signs of mild exasperation when she had to explain to Miss Pickering that the self-playing instrument had, as the name suggests, been bewitched to play itself. McGonagall was friendly with Poppy Pomfrey, the nurse. Surprised, embarrassed, and still in love with Dougal, she declined. When she realised that Gorski had endangered the school by smuggling a dangerous lawbreaker into the school, the Headmistress rushed to find him in order to apprehend and question him. Albus discovered Minerva in tears in her classroom late one evening after she found out about Dougal McGregor's marriage with another woman. Minerva's school career overlapped by two years with that of Pomona Sprout, and the two students enjoyed an excellent relationship, both then and in later years. It was only when she saw Harry Potter's body being carried by Hagrid that she began to despair, letting out a scream terrible to anyone who heard it, equal to that of Ron, Hermione, and Ginny's together. Shortly prior to the Battle of Hogwarts, Amycus Carrow - who, along with his sister Alecto, had been posted at the school by Voldemort - demanded to know where Harry was in the Tower and McGonagall asked why he would be there as he belonged in her house, with clear pride in her voice. She full-heartedly supported Snape sending Lockhart to deal with the monster within in the hopes of scaring her incompetent colleague away. [62], On 13 February 2020, the Hogwarts Headmistress was dismayed to learn that not only had the seemingly quasi-sentient predicament that was wreaking havoc on magical communities everywhere hit her school once more, but that this time, it gave the impression of having taken a particular interest in her personally; as it had snatched away several items of a significantly more private sort than the ones that had been claimed by the Calamity so far. They were eventually tortured into insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange. When Umbridge revealed that anti-Muggle prankster Willy Widdershins had provided her with testimony that Harry was forming this rebel group, Minerva loudly voiced that she had wondered why he had managed to avoid prosecution for all his regurgitating toilet charges, joined in her vocal outrage by the portrait of Headmaster Dexter Fortescue. WebMaggie Smith. ", an insult he particularly detested. Despite her stern demeanour, Minerva did exhibit a dry sense of humour which usually came out when times were tough. Although her relationship with him remained mostly normal, she kept a watchful eye on him and his friends Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger to ensure his safety. The encounter did serve to cheer students like Ron Weasley who heartily disliked Umbridge; Ron even expressed delight at the prospect of seeing Minerva's classes inspected, remarking that "Umbridge won't know what's hit her". Though the dragon in question was successfully released, Harry, Hermione and Neville were all caught and brought before McGonagall by Filch. While McGonagall received Ginny's distraught parents in her office, along with a returned Albus Dumbledore, she was astonished to see Ginny herself walk in, accompanied by a slime-covered Harry, Ron and Lockhart, the ragged old Sorting Hat, Dumbledore's pet phoenix and the silver Sword of Godric Gryffindor. Biographical information [40], Sometime before 1 September that same year,[41] Headmistress McGonagall charged Rubeus Hagrid with serving as a special messenger to the family of a young Muggle-born that had been admitted to the school in order explain to the child's parents about the existence of magic, to deliver their letter of acceptance and to take said student-to-be to Diagon Alley in London to purchase the necessary school supplies. [71], Devestated to learn about their father's disappearance, Rose and Hugo were both wracked with worry after they heard what had happened, and Minerva, in addition to having done what she could to help them through the trying time ahead of them, also organised another search of the castle's portraits in the unlikely event that Ron would turn up in one of them, to no avail. Jan 1, 2022, 6:21 AM. [20], In the final weeks of that school year, Minerva served as temporary Headmistress of Hogwarts after the Board of Governors, under Lucius Malfoy's influence, suspended Dumbledore for failing to stop the attacks against the students. Sirius was murdered by his own cousin Bellatrix Lestrange during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries in 1996. However, she suffered a nasty fall in her final year: a foul during the Gryffindor versus Slytherin match which would decide the Quidditch Cup winner. Though she gave up Quidditch on leaving Hogwarts, the innately competitive Minerva later took a keen interest in the fortunes of her house team and retained a keen eye for Quidditch talent. Draco also trusted her into using the Marauder's Map to find his son and Albus and fully accepted whatever punishment would be given to Scorpius, acknowledging he believed her decision would be fair. [11], Having resumed her duties within the Order of the Phoenix as well as her other responsibilities at school when the new year began after summer,[11] rarly in the term, Minerva was responsible for the distribution of schedules among the the sixth year N.E.W.T. When Cornelius Fudge brought Aurors to arrest Dumbledore in 1996, she boldly stepped forward and announced her intention to fight the Aurors on his behalf. However, after the Second Wizarding War, Umbridge was captured by Aurors and sent to Azkaban herself, for the rest of her life. In the return of the Dark Lord, Hufflepuff student Cedric Diggory was carelessly murdered and a memorial feast was held at the end of the school year. Only in 1995 did she learn that the Secret-Keeper at the time of the Potters' deaths was actually Peter Pettigrew, who took the title after Sirius turned it down. Margaret Natalie Smith Though these duties took up much of her time, Minerva would face even greater challenges at Hogwarts. Her magical prowess allowed her to be the teacher of Transfiguration, a remarkably complex field of magic which she proved to be an expert in. There is also the possibility that there was another, older Scottish witch of the same name who also taught at Hogwarts before the birth of Minerva who appears in the Harry Potter books and films, although it would be unlikely that the two are related as the latter inherited her surname from her Muggle father. Rubeus Hagrid respected McGonagall. Nationality This was shown when Harry and his friends were caught sneaking around the tower in the dead of night during their first year at Hogwarts and she sent him off to serve detention in the Forbidden Forest. However, the infant Minerva displayed small but noticeable signs of magic from her earliest hours. When Neville Longbottom admitted to having written the passwords down, McGonagall banned him from future Hogsmeade visits for the rest of the year, gave him a detention, forbade anyone to give him the password into Gryffindor Tower and wrote to his grandmother. Fortunately, Professor Hagrid had found her and brought her forward, explaining that she had been distracted by some of the bushes outside the castle. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment .

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