how to claim your strawman account

NOTE: Stated within a written document received September 17, 1997, from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel, Office of the Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Richard L. Shiffin, in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), was the following: "A fact that is frequently overlooked is that Executive Orders & proclamations of the President normally have no direct effect upon private persons or their property, & instead, normally constitute only directives or instructions to officers or employees of the Federal Government. /ca 1.0 Edition, page 1421. When we use any commercial paper (checks, drafts, warrants, federal reserve notes, etc. It is a MUST to Listen to This Recording for Basic Understanding of the Dual Trusts, Lecture on Beneficiary & Trustee Status in Court Cases(.mp3 Audio File), Beneficiary & Trustee Status in Court Cases(transcribed .pdf)(transcribed .pdf). Then you draw up a document stating. If there is no record of the Fiduciary Tax Estimate & the Fiduciary Tax Return, we then request the individual tax estimates & individual tax returns to determine if there is any delinquency. It's all business, a commercial undertaking, & the basic procedure is not complicated. Our FREE weekly ScamBusters Email Reports keep you up-to-date by showing you exactly what to do and what to avoid to keep you and your family safe. Yes, it CAN set us free from government oppression & control. WebMove your life into the Private. We can help you give back your STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN, identity so you can eliminate all of your debt lawfully and legally and give it back to the government, since that debt was a trick of contract without disclosure by the State Government, Hospital, Doctor, and lending institutions that have already sold that contract on the stock exchange and received money and credit for it. i, a man: be not Dead a. nd Lost at SEE. But remember: "What goes around, comes around". Your Birth certificate trust value for your STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN, corporation identity is about 7 million dollars at birth. I am sending you 1! Government has an implied agreement with the Strawman (government's creation) & the Strawman is subject to government rule, as we illustrated above. Your Birth Certificate, a Negotiable Security Instrument, was created by the State Government with your name in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, making you a Legal Fiction Trust corporation in commercial on the admiralty seas, a non-human imagination, with your ALL CAPITAL NAME spelled as any and all corporations. The redemption process is also sometimes labeled as "Acceptance for Value" or "A4V," >> iVZk+vmT yGO,ZO[z~'rFapATuq>QT;MOu6];/g:+2*'Lu(2rpzsMO91 Your STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN, identity is a Legal Fiction in commercial law, a false person or corporation, a Capital Corporation Identification, [not your real name at birth given under God by your parent(s)]. This way the government could borrow money from the FEDERAL RESERVE to convert your birth certificate into a Government Bond to sell on the Stock Market to pay off the bankruptcy debt of the UNITED STATES corporation and to allow the banks to draw money using your signature representing credit or money from your STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN corporation name reserve and exempt account and birth certificate bond government trust where all your money is kept without your knowledge. decreed by government, but that WE, the real man & woman, are not. /CreationDate (D:20210609000337+03'00') (With these government forms by his side, the police could not give a man a speeding ticket, because his STRAWMAN was not in The SYSTEM.) When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy in 1933 under the bankruptcy (Straw man) law known as HJR, 192, pledged all Americans as collateral (debt slaves) against the national debt to the International Bankers; gave all the, "It was the poverty caused by the bad influence of the, on the Parliament which has caused in the colonies hatred of the English andthe Revolutionary War. We accept the "claim", become the holder in due course, & challenge whether or not the presenter of the claim had/has the proper authority (the Order) to make the claim (debit our account) in the first place. While the Oz creation was just a softhearted and lovable scarecrow, the strawman, in some people's minds, is a symbol for a separate, alternative version of our personal identities. Please check your browser settings or contact your system administrator. But when we, the real flesh & blood man & woman, step into their "process" we become the "surety" for the fictional Strawman. You can un-volunteer to act as the fiduciary for your strawman. We were never toldthat when government deals with the STRAWMAN it is not dealing with real, living, men & women. In Volume 20: Corpus Juris Sec. The United States government -actually the elected & appointed administrators of government -took (& still do, to this day) certified copies of all our birth certificates & placed them in the United States Department of Commerce as registered securities. back to the government and allow the UNITED STATES to pay off your debts lawfully. "Do unto others, as you have others do unto you." This was without our knowledge &/or our consent. James A. Farley, Postmaster General at that time, required each postmaster in the country to post a copy of the Executive Order in a conspicuous place within each branch of the Post Office. The fictional person of government can only function in a fictional commercial world, one where there is no real money, only fictional funds mere entries, figures, & digits. stream Time to conclude for today -- have a great week! The answer is making sure you signature follows a clear mark of duress. The Strawman is a "shadow", a go-between. The redemption process is also sometimes labeled as "Acceptance for Value" or "A4V," implying if you use this term on any official bills you're supposed to pay, it's as good as cash. 6 0 obj We just have to remember a few things, like: this is not a "legal" procedure -we're not playing dog-&-pony. All corporations are legal fictions and are created using an ALL CAPITAL LETTER name such as your STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN, Legal Fiction identity on all government documents. Access to private paperwork library. WebA presentment from fictional governmentwhether traffic citation or criminal chargesis a negative, commercial "claim" against the STRAWMAN. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Without going into all the complexities, the basis of the strawman concept is a belief that somehow the United States government has "mortgaged" its citizens to the International Monetary Fund in return for a sizeable cash sum. Those debts, liabilities & obligations exist in the fictional commercial world of "book entries", on computers &/or in paper ledgers. WebClaim Your STRAWMAN - File Your UCC1 - Financing Statement Online. It is your EIN, which stands for Exemption Identification Number from the UNITED STATES CORPORATION of America." We are a processing company and not attorneys nor accountants and do not practice law or give legal or accounting advice!. /SA true There is business! To claim your Pi, follow this link and use my username PAMUTS as your invitation code. In the past we have addressed these "claims" by fighting them in court, with one "legal process" or another, & failed. WRONG! Serious enough for the FBI to issue an alert. "It was the poverty caused by the bad influence of theEnglish Bankerson the Parliament which has caused in the colonies hatred of the English andthe Revolutionary War." Terms of Service. These blogs and videos promise that your The UNITED STATES does control the 50 States thru your ignorance no matter which State you live or were born in. Think about that. 5) /Title ( H o w t o c l a i m y o u r s t r a w m a n a c c o u n t) I understand that this is currently between one and two million dollars at your birth when your mother unknowingly gave her baby, you, away to the UNITED STATES Government. On April 5, 1933, then President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, under Executive Order, issued April 5, 1933, declared: "All persons are required to deliver on or before May 1, 1933 all Gold Coin, Gold Bullion, & Gold Certificates now owned by them to a Federal Reserve Bank, branch or agency, or to any member bank of the Federal Reserve System." As an example, John Adam Smith is correct. But government does exist in a fictional world, & can only deal directly with other fictional or virtual persons, agencies, states, etc.. In point of fact, you should be able to go into any store in America and buy anything and everything in sight, telling the clerk to charge it to your Exemption Account, which is identified by a nine-digit number that you will recognize as your Social Security number, without the dashes. And where does the IMF, whose founding was largely influenced by the US, get its $600,000 payments from? This can be something as simple as a contract. /SM 0.02 By doing this we remove the negative claim against our account & become the "holder in due course" of the presentment. endobj (BIRTH CERTIFICATES were only for slaves prior to women becoming equal to men). Property of the real man once again becomes tax exempt & free from levy, as it must be in accord with HJR-192. You cannot break the law unless there is a living human victim for which you do harm, or do harm to their property. 1 0 obj But there is another way for fictional government to deal with the real man & woman: through the use of a representative, a liaison, & the go-between. And, if you ever do encounter the strawman, it'll most likely be on the Yellow Brick Road! We then become liable for the debts, liabilities & obligations of the Strawman, relinquishing our real (protected) character as we stand up for the fictional Strawman. Without constant movement a shark will die & quite ironically, like the shark, there must also be constant movement in commerce, or it too will die. Crooks claim not only that they can help you gain access to the account but also that you can make purchases and pay debts just by scrawling a few words across bills. "Digits" move from one side of your straw man (Strawman) account to the other, or to a different account. Benjamin Franklin, "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. The UNITED STATES has been a private corporation since 1881 as defined in Blacks Law dictionary, Act of 1881, and 28 U.S.C. You are a vessel of commerce that is owned by the UNITED STATES corporation. WebMethods of Claiming Your Straw Man The CESTUI QUE VIE Trust Freedom From Servitude If You Are Not Willing To Learn, No One Can Help You. Your name that is in all capital letters on all government documents proves you are a STRAWMAN, STRAW MAN, (unnatural, commerce, corporate, made up fiction) name that represents your trust account or reserve account that has millions of dollars waiting for you to claim, that was assigned to you at birth with a social security Taggingand Tracking number. Tweet YOUR Birth Certificate The Great Government MONEY and CREDIT SCAM, YOUR LEGAL FICTION STRAWMAN ID The Great Government MONEY and CREDIT SCAM. /Height 155 And, of course, the scammers happen to have a huge stock of these from which they'll happily sell you what they say you need. creating bonds by using the Savings Bond Calculator. strawman bond find where an what district your ssn account is at Log in with your email and password or create a free account to try the service before upgrading the subscription. So what? The Strawman can be summed up as an imaginary, passive stand-in for the real participant; a front; a blind; a person regarded as a nonentity. Such as issuance of Selective Service Regulations, establishment of boards to investigate certain labor disputes, & establishment of quotas or fees with respect to certain imports into this country." 4 0 obj When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy in 1933 under the bankruptcy (Straw man) law known as HJR192, pledged all Americans as collateral (debt slaves) against the national debt to the International Bankers; gave all the land to the international bankers (Federal Reserve Corporation); and confiscated and outlawed all the gold except for one ounce for each person; thus, eliminating the lawful means (Gold and Silver Coins) by which you could legally pay your debt, the UNITED STATES also assumed legal responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay. MR JOHN SMITH), these documents are not sent to you, the man or In practical terms, though, this meant giving each American something to pay with, and that something is your credit. This week, we explain the story behind the strawman legend and how you can avoid being duped by the Web1. When London burned, the subrogation of mens and womens rights occurred. Since a corporation is a fictitious "person" (it can not speak, see, touch, smell, etc. WebOne of the many benefits and services made available through your straw man is your Social Security Number (SSN). WebFirst you need to download a blank UCC financial statement. Access to private video library. WE WERE NEVER TOLD, WE WERE BEING ABUSED! All that credit created is technically, and rightfully, yours. You claimed everything "JOHN DOE and then some, don't forget capitals. This "claim" takes place in the commercial, fictional world of government. 2. something serving the same end as a certificate. With every birth -- cha-ching! When your birth certificate was monetized and converted into a UNITED STATES Government Bond shortly after your birth by your Mother, your net worth became unlimited, into Billions of Dollars, without your, nor your Mothers, and Fathers, knowledge. This definition comes from Black's Law Dictionary, 6th. WebYour Strawman trust account money that was created from your birth certificate and Social Security tagging and tracking Number that the government is holding for you in your This $1,000,000 (one million) account is for the Strawman, the fictional "person" with the name in all caps &/or last name first. Only a business is to be taxed on income under law, not individuals. That's why proponents of this idea also refer to this as your strawman redemption account. 1785 we find "The United States government is a foreign corporation with respect to a State" (see: NY re: Merriam 36 N.E. If they don't adjust the account a request is made for the bookkeeping records showing where the funds in question were assigned. Without a proper Order, & now we know they're not in possession of such a document, they must leave us alone or pay the consequences. These securities, each of which carries an estimated $1,000,000 (one million) dollar value, have been (& still are) circulated around the world as collateral for loans, entries on the asset side of ledgers, etc., just like any other security.

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