kion becomes evil fanfiction

[realizes how she's gonna get across] Me first! Rafiki what's 'Hapana'?!" Kion: (sarcastically) Ndio. In the fire back in Mapango Cliffs." "I thought I sensed the presence of the Lion of the Past back then and now." As Kion dug in Taka rolled his eyes, but also grew a small grin. When the two were playing with their friend, Bunga, and he gets caught by Janja and his band of hyenas, they let out an epic roar thus finding out about the Lion Guard. Abiola and Angel are White Lions, while Abiola and Audre were Black Lions. To celebrate his last day, he has a show he's going to do for us. But I think Kion should decide what to do with Bunga when we get to the Tree of Life. Uroho and Kion became good friends. He also saved Hamu from Janja, Cheezi, and Chungu. ), 1. Kion and Mwoga are shown to have a hate relationship just like Mzingo. We wouldn't want to miss it now do we?". " Under his guidance, I mastered the Roar. Kion still treats Chungulike he would do any member of the clan - with caution. "What are you doing here Pridelander! But I must be going, it is getting quite late." A few years have passed, Kiara was now a little older when Simba first went to the elephant graveyard, while Kion was at Kiara age when he was born. Nala face told him all he needed to know. " Someone Gets Hurt Rani is leader of Legend has it that if a cheetah cries from a certain emotion like joy, sadness, pain, etc their tea Kion is accused of a crime he didn't commit. Althoughthe two cubs appear to have sibling rivalry, they do still care deeply for each other. Happy Birthday, Nikita! Kion kept running and running until he saw an outline of what appeared to be a lion. I can see again. Leaving Rafiki and Kion alone. Raniwas so outraged, she wanted to banish the Guard from the Tree of Life forever, but after a talk with her grandmother Queen Janna, and the spirits of her parents, Rani reluctantly agreed to welcome the Guard to the Tree of Life. In "Return to the Pridelands", Makini introduces Kion as the king of the Tree of Life and becomes his and Rani's Royal Mjuzi. You know Kion when I used to have a little song I would sing every time I came up here. In The Scorpion's Sting, she works with the rest of the Army to try to get rid of the Lion Guard and kill Kion's father Simba. Simba and Nala were so happy for their son, but then frowned when they realized he was now living at the Tree of Life with his Queen. When a new threat comes to the pridelands, it's all. Impressed by the calf's bravery, he gives Mtoto an honorary Mark of the Guard. Unlike Scar with Mufasa, Kion does not have any resentment or jealousy towards his older sibling, despite the fact that Kiara is the heir to the throne. Simba asked his eyes full of curiosity. " Simba called back. " You did scare Yun Mibu, and knocked over that peacock. Kion: Yes. Why haven't you come to talk to me? Some people asked me for this video and I ask the same question so I made it ^^HISTORY:Kion becomes bad for the scar, the cure has no effect and in. Just in case people still want to old version for some reason. Nala interrupted. " It's your scar. With a smile Take looked down at the cub, who mixed eyes meet his green and scar one. Kion often says to Fuli "I know what you're thinking", showing that often think very similarily. Kion shows great concern whenever Nala is in great peril. Ohh Nala, he's perfect." The Guard approached the Tree of Life and were shocked to find Kion staring lovingly at the womannext to him. And Kion has a show he wants to do for the whole kingdom. In "Triumph of the Roar", Fuli is happy to see that Kion is healed. Janja also offers Kion knowledge on how to beat Scar and assists the Pride Landers in the final battle with Scar. Uncle Surak, Little brother, you're in charge of the Kingdom until we return. Rafiki! Sometimes I really hate that I attract drama. The video speaks for itself. Since Kion is very confrontational, Kiburi finds it difficult to get past the cub. Kion roars louder thanlast time and creates a whirlwind to carry Rani over the ravine. When mommy and I go out I don't want you being lonely.". In Battle for the Pride Lands Kion simply becomes friends with Nne after he helps the guard defeat Scar. Everyone except Rani started crying, fearing the worst until Kion came up flying. Nala: I was just about to ask the same thing. Kion whined, his smile gone. " But, does this mean we won't get to see you again? 3. After Kion explained himself, Mufasa assured Kion that he would always be there for Kion no matter what. Simba was of course happy about the news, but a little worried how Kiara would take it. Muhangus trusted Kion to get to the bottom of the situation, much like he and his mate do in Too Many Termites. There was no visible Sun in the sky, yet the expanse was filled with light. Later, when Kion attemptsto escape, he hurts her while trying to do so, but she stops him before he can leave and later almost kills himuntil his friends come to his rescue and is later blasted away by Kion (now knowing he can use his roar against her) into what Zira calls their new home. I I can't." But that wasn't going to be some until sometime. " Beshte:Poa. With such a rift, the broken family could lead to the end of the Pride Lands. Rafiki began as both parents listened carefully. " You can't be serious Simba! Rani: Before we go, Fuli, Beshte, Bunga, Anga, Kiara, Kovu, Nala, and Siimba. Thanks Kiara. In Journey to the Pride Lands, Janja and Jasiri both run to the Tree to Life to inform the Lion Guard of Zira's return. Bunga: We want to stay until Ono is healed. Maybe this will give you some time to think about what you did. Baliyo asked Kion to use the Roar on the bad guys, showing that from then onhe had begun to trustKion. But what will happen when a distant Pride starts seeking suitors for their successor? Just because of this set back you want nothing to do with him!?". " Kion and Makini's parents are on good terms. Nala: He'll make a wonderful king, Simba. I I don't think he should met Kiara." I hope it's a boy." He squealed as he ran to catch up with the adult lion. ), Amethyst & Garnet & Pearl & Steven Universe, Beshte & Bunga & Fuli & Kion & Ono (The Lion King), Mr. Piranha & Mr. Shark & Mr. Snake & Ms. Tarantula & Mr. Wolf (The Bad Guys), Boyfriend/Girlfriend (Friday Night Funkin'), Mammott & PomPom & Furcorn (My Singing Monsters), again the characters don't really know what happend. But most surprisingly his tail tip color was a bright burning red, like his grandfather. " Please? After nearly surviving his own birth Kion grew up with a friend only he could see. The mjuzi suggested, as he put his hand on his mane, trying to think of a way to save Kion. Ugggg. You'll be blessed so keep on looking high! "Kion!" *** Princess Rani of the Tree of Life. Including accepting hyenas into The Pride Lands. The technological advancements had surpassed what anyone could have ever imagined. Thank you, Nirmala. Wait for me!" Simba looked at the peacefully cub, some love he had felt for Kion was replaced by the hate he felt for Scar. " He also helped the Night Pride fight Ora for a couple of times at the Tree of Life. It all started in class when I wasn't working like I was supposed to, watching the Lion Guard instead. Kiara: Why do you have that gold ring, Kion? You must understand my queen. Kion was unaware just how deeply Ushari had been hurt until he revealed his allegiance with Scar in The Scorpion's Sting. Can you show us the closest pond? It was so dark that Kion could barely see the floor below him, causing Kion to trip on a rock and rolled deeper in some distance. Kion: If this is the way we need to go to get you guys back to the Pridelands, then this is the way we're going. She's always full of energy". " Bunga was unaware that he was hurting Kion's feelings, so when he realizes how he's been treating Kion, he feels guilty. In "Bunga and the King", Kion learns that Bunga is his adoptive uncle. Please there has to be something you can do!". " Bunga: (his Mark of the Guard disappears) Aw man! Notes: Hay y'all Okamibattleblock here. Tumejulikana kila mmoje tangu tulipokuwa watoto. However, in Battle for the Pride Lands, when Kion and his friends became teenagers, Janja grew tired of having to fight the cub. I wouldn't have it any other way.". But to other his name was Scar. At this point, Kion secretly considers staying at the Tree of Lifeafter Rani asks him to be her king. Kion is always on good terms with Mufasa. Makucha and Kion are both leaders and enemies, who hate each other greatly. Kion helps rescue her baby Ona. (See the end of the work for more notes.). However, with great power comes great responsibility, and it was only a matter of time before the world was thrown into chaos. I just hope he's more like you. Kion has since seen Tamka as an enemy, engaging in battle with him when necessary. Rani: We need to get across the ravine to get to the Pridelands. Fuli: Do you have any idea of what you just did? Rafiki asked. Kion started to paw Taka's paws, trying to wake up his best friend. On the other hand, Makini has come through for Kion as well, such as in the episode The Bite of Kenge, when she agrees to help Bunga retrieve the melons from Janja's clan and Kenge, while the rest of the Lion Guard wereparalyzed. Kion: (Confused) Nini kama Rafiki alisema? Always thinking of others, like a good queen should." They also share different views on how lions should act. 5. Kion (through telepathy): I gained psychic powers sis. Kion calls out. In the episode The Ukumbusho Tradition, Kion is quick to stand up for Makini when Zito is being too harsh on her. He heard Kiara sniffled, he pulled her closer, and soon Kiara was done crying. " I love you Taka, promise you be my friend for ever? Lion Guard - Defenders : Battle Of The Skies. They connect to each other very well, particularly as they are both new leaders. Your father told me that a spirit of a king long died could be put into Kion, stabilizing his heart.". " Mufasa exiles him. Kion's mother and (former) queen. After almost meeting his demise, Kion must heal with Jasiri tending to his injuries. What the kings deem compatible, I have no clue. Nyota Cliff was a sky gazers dream. Kion eyed the food, his tummy grumbled a bit. The two got onto high ground that ever dwarfed the view from the top of Pride Rock. Wubbzy! In "The Race to Tuliza", Fuli expresses concern about Kion's anger. In "Triumph of the Roar", Kion helps Makini (and the Night Pride) out of the Tree of Life. At one stage during Janja's New Crew, Nne showed little fear towards Kion. She especially shows adoration for him after seeing how he single-handedly ends Mama Binturong's attack on the Tree of Life. Secrets never last forever, even if all the ones that kept them are gone. With a deep deep breath Taka began his song as Kion listened carefully. Kion came to respect Nirmala, grateful to her for helping him overcome his condition and accept that his scar didn't make him who he is. Kion talked to Mufasa for the first time in a long while, and realized that Mufasa was never angry with or ashamed of him; that he had only been worried that Kion had forgotten about him. I explained who I was and why I was here. Return Of The Roar Tamaa feared he might be getting the wrong idea due to a large amount of donated food at his feet, but Kion already trusted Tamaa and knew that he wasn't going back on his word. However, Kion made certain that Tano knew his place, using the Roar to defeat him. Bunga, you're off the Guard until further notice. When Kion first got the Roar of the Elders, Bunga was impressed byhis friend's ability. Kion seems to be on good terms with Hamu. Unfortunately that feeling of was going to last long. " When encountering Scar's spirit, Kion starts to despise his grand-uncle for his crimes against the Pride Landers, including attempted murder on his father. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Simba: Is there something you're not telling us? As Taka left the den, Kion hurried to his side. " In the comic, "A Test For The Guard", Pua even helps Kion set up a way to test the rest of the Guard's leadership skills. ", With the a smile, Taka nuzzled Kion. " And Bunga, I think Binga would like you. In Divide and Conquer, Kion turned to Tamaa when he needed help. Je! However, she still trusts that Kion would never turn evil. Hapana!" He also expresses great fear and remorse for almost accidentally hurting Nala with the Roar, showing how much he cares for her. Let's start your healing. Kion helps find them a new home when he wrecks their old home. But with Scar in him there is no doubt that he won't manipulate Kion any way he can. In Return to the Pride Lands, at the wedding of Kion and Rani, Mufasa proudly looks down at his grandson and granddaughter-in-law. He looked down at Kiara her eyes watery obviously being scared by Nala's birth giving noises. " Fuli, Ono's eyesight is fully healed, so you're officially discharged from our medical unit. Kion: Yes. Great as always Mufassa's spawn must ruin everything! " Kion and Rani both had golden crowns on their heads but Rani was wearing a short-sleeved dress with the skirt going to her knees and she had tennis shoes on her feet. I promise I won't tell anyone.". After they rescued a herd ofElandsfrom fire, they meet Kongwe and escortedher toPride Rockto figure out how to defeat Scar to save the Pride Lands. As Taka stretched and rubbed his eyes, Kion put the small piece of meat in front of him. " So anyway have fun reading a new story, or revisiting something old. Kion and Mwenzi are allies. ", With a shug Taka slowly made his way over to the piece of meat. " The sun grew higher and higher as soon every star was gone, and the calm blue of night was replaced by a bright orange. Bunga: He said that if the venom stays inside you too long, you won't know the difference between right and wrong. Kion still treats Tano like he would do any member of the clan - with caution. As of the episode Eye of the Beholder, Janja had run away from Kion several times. I'm sorry." Kion: Beshte, stop. (Runs off into the forest crying). She and Kion are complete opposites with Reirei being devious, evil, and manipulative and as of now, shewon't give up, no matter what Kion does to her. Now go get some sleep with the other lioness.". That is why this ritual is never used. Simba is trained to kill Mufasa. (A.N: Kwanzaa is the holiday Kion and his family celebrates as a part of their Swahili culture.). However, Mwoga fully reformed in Return to the Pride Lands, and though they may not be close friends, they work together as a plan to fight Zira, only to find out that she is deceased. In Season 3, in "Battle for the Pridelands", Fuli says that Kion will not be alone when the Pridelanders go into battle with Scar. In Battle for the Pride Lands Kion simply becomes friends with Chunguafter he helps the guard defeat Scar. He has since driven her away. Hi dears! This is a story about a girl. At first Taka hated having Kion bug him during his alone time, even if he was the only animal who could see him. Kion is on good terms with the flamingo girls after he almost roared at them. Fuli: Okay. But of course-" Taka put his paw tried back, rubingit to help calm him down. " Kion respects Dhahabu as a leaderand is always happy to help whenever she needs it, even lending her Fuli to keep her happy. When Ushari's poison sinks too deep, the Pride Land's only option is to say goodbye. Mufasa: (chuckles) I will Kion. Now we can heal your eyesight, Ono. And say hello to Great-Grandfather Ahadi and Great-Grandmother Uru for me. "You!" Kion gasped, stepping forward with Nyota by his side. In "Return to the Pridelands", Tiifu is one of the guests at Kion and Rani's wedding. Why can't my past just leave me be! Do you know how worried your mother and I was!" The Tyrant's Roar. Kion and Pinguino are on good terms. "Kion! Now-" Simba grabbed Kion with his mouth. " " Back to the Pride Lands. Rani was pleased that Kion put Ono's needs before his own, though she still distrusted him for sending Baliyo flying. Kion: Me too. Oh Ya, almost forgot! Once done I can't undo.". Later, she is also worried about Kion when she sees his scar. If I know you mother, she is one of the strongest lions I know. And it's happening! Nirmala guided me to the River of Patience and toldmemy first task is to retrieve the orange flower on top of the ledge. Rafiki brought Kion down and checked for his pulse. " When Rani is in tears after her grandmother's death, Kion sympathizes with her by letting her sob into his neck and comforting her. My Love For You | THE LION GUARD | Kion x Ra **This story happens when Kion is grown and after episode "Friends to the End"** Beshte: Yes. In Journey to the Pride Lands, Kion and Rani have a much closer friendship, which eventually blossoms into romance.

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