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3H The purpose of the provisions at paragraphs 3.19 and 6.5A is to protect the rights of juvenile and vulnerable persons who may not understand the significance of what is said to them. Whether you're in the mood for the classic Italian taste of Prego or the signature southwest flavors of Pace, Ready Meals offer food that are convenient to prepare and tastes great. Get quality British Classics Ready Meals at Tesco. For the purposes of Directive 2010/64/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010 and this Code, essential documents comprise records required to be made in accordance with this Code which are relevant to decisions to deprive a person of their liberty, to any charge and to any record considered necessary to enable a detainee to defend themselves in criminal proceedings and to safeguard the fairness of the proceedings. paragraph 2(a)(i) may take place only at a hospital, surgery, other medical premises or police station; paragraph 2(a)(ii) may take place only at a hospital, surgery or other medical premises and must be carried out by a registered medical practitioner or a registered nurse. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. It is therefore important that the custody officer in the case of a detained person or the officer investigating the offence in the case of a person who has not been arrested or detained, as appropriate, considers on a case by case basis, whether any of the factors described in paragraph 1.13(d) might apply to the person in question. 17.17 Under the provisions of Part 3 of the Drugs Act 2005, where a detainee has tested positive for a specified Class A drug under section 63B of PACE a police officer may, at any time before the persons release from the police station, impose a requirement on the detainee to attend an initial assessment of their drug misuse by a suitably qualified person and to remain for its duration. 10. Web with pace taco complete mild original making tacos has never been so easy. 1.7 The appropriate adult means, in the case of a: (i) the parent, guardian or, if the juvenile is in the care of a local authority or voluntary organisation, a person representing that authority or organisation (see Note 1B); (ii) a social worker of a local authority (see Note 1C); (iii) failing these, some other responsible adult aged 18 or over who is not: under the direction or control of the chief officer of a police force; or. Where in accordance with the Guidance the case is referred to the CPS for decision, the custody officer should ensure that an officer involved in the investigation sends to the CPS such information as is specified in the Guidance. 6D The solicitors only role in the police station is to protect and advance the legal rights of their client. (E) Conduct and recording of Interviews at police stations - use of live link. 11.1 Following a decision to arrest a suspect, they must not be interviewed about the relevant offence except at a police station or other authorised place of detention, unless the consequent delay would be likely to: interference with, or harm to, evidence connected with an offence; interference with, or physical harm to, other people; or, (b) lead to alerting other people suspected of committing an offence but not yet arrested for it; or. during a period of rest allowed as in paragraph 12.2, at the latest time a review or authorisation to extend detention may take place, the officer should, if the legal obligations and time constraints permit, bring forward the procedure to allow the detainee to make representations. This is published at crime-contract-2017 and the rules mean that a non-police interviewer who does not have their own statutory power of arrest would have to inform the suspect that they have a right to seek legal advice if they wish, but payment would be a matter for them to arrange with the solicitor. 1.4 If at any time an officer has any reason to suspect that a person of any age may be vulnerable (see paragraph 1.13(d)), in the absence of clear evidence to dispel that suspicion, that person shall be treated as such for the purposes of this Code and to establish whether any such reason may exist in relation to a person suspected of committing an offence (see paragraph 10.1 and Note 10A), the custody officer in the case of a detained person, or the officer investigating the offence in the case of a person who has not been arrested or detained, shall take, or cause to be taken, (see paragraph 3.5 and Note 3F) the following action: (a) reasonable enquiries shall be made to ascertain what information is available that is relevant to any of the factors described in paragraph 1.13(d) as indicating that the person may be vulnerable might apply; (b) a record shall be made describing whether any of those factors appear to apply and provide any reason to suspect that the person may be vulnerable or (as the case may be) may not be vulnerable; and. In law, the gender (and accordingly the sex) of an individual is their gender as registered at birth unless they have been issued with a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC) under the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA), in which case the persons gender is their acquired gender. 1.4 unless other information indicates that any of the factors described in paragraph 1.13(d) may apply to that person. If the detainee has the right to speak to a solicitor in person but declines to exercise the right the officer should point out that the right includes the right to speak with a solicitor on the telephone. 17.2 A sample of urine or a non-intimate sample may be taken from a person in police detention for the purpose of ascertaining whether they have any specified Class A drug in their body only where they have been brought before the custody officer and: (a) either the arrest condition, see paragraph 17.3, or the charge condition, see paragraph. 5.4 If the detainee agrees, they may at the custody officers discretion, receive visits from friends, family or others likely to take an interest in their welfare, or in whose welfare the detainee has an interest. If the detainee agrees, a registered medical practitioner or registered nurse should whenever possible be asked to assess the risks involved and, if necessary, attend to assist the detainee. If they express a preference to be dealt with as a particular gender, they should be asked to indicate and confirm their preference by signing the custody record or, if a custody record has not been opened, the search record or the officers notebook. After speaking to the appropriate adult, the officer consulted must remind the adult that their role under paragraph 11.17 does not allow them to obstruct proper questioning and give the adult an opportunity to respond. Written statement under caution: Code C Annex D. To be created contemporaneously by the interpreter for the person to check and sign. The detainee must also be given information about how the live link is used. This term which is used by the Directive means that the suspect must be able to understand their position and be able to communicate effectively with police officers, interviewers, solicitors and appropriate adults as provided for by this and any other Code in the same way as a suspect who can speak and understand English and who does not have a hearing or speech impediment and who would therefore not require an interpreter. In these cases, police powers and duties and the persons rights and entitlements whilst at a police station in England or Wales are the same as those in Scotland; (ii) arrested under the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999, section 142(3) in order to have their fingerprints taken; (iii) whose detention has been authorised under Schedules 2 or 3 to the Immigration Act 1971 or section 62 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002; (iv) who are convicted or remanded prisoners held in police cells on behalf of the Prison Service under the Imprisonment (Temporary Provisions) Act 1980; (vi) detained for searches under stop and search powers except as required by Code A. 2. But information should not be withheld from any person acting on the detainees behalf, for example, an appropriate adult, solicitor or interpreter, if to do so might put that person at risk. If it appears a special sitting may be needed outside normal court hours but between 10am and 9pm, the clerk to the justices should be given notice and informed of this possibility, while the court is sitting if possible. If the decision to remove the solicitor has been taken by an officer below superintendent rank, the facts must be reported to an officer of superintendent rank or above, who will similarly consider whether a report to the Solicitors Regulatory Authority would be appropriate. whether or not they are on duty at the time. Where the Crown Prosecutor is unable to make the charging decision on the information available at that time, the detainee may be released without charge and on bail (with conditions if necessary) under section 37(7)(a). See Note 6K. With effect from 3 April 2017, amendments made by the Policing and Crime Act 2017 require persons under the age of 18 to be treated as juveniles for the purposes of all other provisions of PACE and the Codes. 11.9 Written interview records must be timed and signed by the maker. Where the use of the Welsh Language is appropriate, the following form of words may be provided in Welsh: Does dim rhaid i chi ganiatu cymryd sgan uwchsain neu belydr-x (neur ddau) arnoch, ond maen rhaid i mi eich rhybuddio os byddwch chin gwrthod gwneud hynny heb reswm da, fe allai hynny niweidio eich achos pe bain dod gerbron llys.. Any audio or video recording made in the custody area is not part of the custody record. 3.17 A The custody officer must ensure that at the time the copy of the notice is given to the appropriate adult, or as soon as practicable thereafter, the appropriate adult is advised of the duties of the appropriate adult as described in paragraph 1.7A. Additionally, a solicitor or independent custody visitor who is present at the police station and acting in that capacity, may not be the appropriate adult. 2645, the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (Drug Testing Persons in Police Detention) (Prescribed Persons) Regulations 2001.]. As soon as practicable after the translation has been created, whilst the person is detained or after they have been released (see Note M3). If a complaint is made by or on behalf of such a suspect that the information and (as the case may be) access to records and documents has not been provided as required, the matter shall be reported to an inspector to deal with as a complaint for the purposes of paragraph 9.2, or paragraph 12.9 if the challenge is made during an interview. 5C If the detainee does not know anyone to contact for advice or support or cannot contact a friend or relative, the custody officer should bear in mind any local voluntary bodies or other organisations who might be able to help. a person with a criminal record is unlikely to be suitable unless the conviction was for a minor offence and not recent. I understand that I do not have to say anything. (b) The record must state the place of interview, the time it begins and ends, any interview breaks and, subject to paragraph 2.6A, the names of all those present; and must be made on the forms provided for this purpose or in the interviewers report book or in accordance with Codes of Practice E or F. (c) Any written record must be made and completed during the interview, unless this would not be practicable or would interfere with the conduct of the interview, and must constitute either a verbatim record of what has been said or, failing this, an account of the interview which adequately and accurately summarises it. 15.11 When a review is carried out by telephone or by using a live link, or the requirement in paragraph 15.3 will be satisfied: (a) if facilities exist for the immediate transmission of written representations to the review officer, e.g. 7. Pack size: 2 x 1.36kg. This statement is true. For this reason, the custody officer must consider whether the ability of the particular suspect, to communicate confidently and effectively for the purpose of the interview is likely to be adversely affected or otherwise undermined or limited if the interviewing officer is not physically present and a live-link is used (see Note 12ZB). (b) has been charged with any other offence and a police officer of inspector rank or above, who has reasonable grounds for suspecting that the detainees misuse of any specified Class A drug caused or contributed to the offence, has authorised the sample to be taken. Pace Ready Meals Cheesy Chicken Quesadilla, 9 oz. Section 22 of the GRA defines any information relating to a persons application for a GRC or to a successful applicants gender before it became their acquired gender as protected information. (e) Authority may be given if the officer is satisfied that interviewing the detainee by means of a live link is necessary and justified. They must also be told that at any time live-link is in use, they may make representations to the custody officer or the interviewer that its operation should cease and that the physical presence of the interviewer should be arranged. The changed position on drawing inferences and that the previous caution no longer applies shall also be explained to the detainee in ordinary language. (a) request made under this section and the action taken; (b) letters, messages or telephone calls made or received or visit received; (c) refusal by the detainee to have information about them given to an outside enquirer. 6.9 The solicitor may only be required to leave the interview if their conduct is such that the interviewer is unable properly to put questions to the suspect. In making this decision, the officer must have regard to: (ii) the nature and seriousness of the offence; (iii) the requirements of the investigation, including its likely impact on both the suspect and any victim(s); (iv) the representations made by the suspect, their solicitor and (if applicable) the appropriate adult that a live-link should not be used (see sub-paragraph (b); (v) the impact on the investigation of making arrangements for the physical presence of the interviewer (see Note 12ZD); and, (vi) the risk if the interviewer is not physically present, evidence obtained using link interpretation might be excluded in subsequent criminal proceedings; and. (ca) if the detainee is a female aged 18 or over, ask if they require or are likely to require any menstrual products whilst they are in custody (see paragraph 9.3B). Pace Taco Complete Discontinued When an intimate search under paragraph 2(a)(i) is carried out by a police officer, the officer must be of the same sex as the detainee (see Annex L). E4 When a person is detained under section 136 of the Mental Health Act 1983 for assessment, the appropriate adult has no role in the assessment process and their presence is not required. See paragraph 1.4(c). In order to do this they may need to witness what is happening. ReadyNas discontinued? - NETGEAR Communities Rather than require consumers to heat the food up and then transfer it into a bowl, Pace 'Ready Meals' are designed with a special pouch that acts as a bowl. 7. (b) can be disposed of as clinical waste unless it is to be sent for further analysis in cases where the test result is disputed at the point when the result is known, including on the basis that medication has been taken, or for quality assurance purposes. Except as in paragraph 10.9, no interviewer shall indicate, except to answer a direct question, what action will be taken by the police if the person being questioned answers questions, makes a statement or refuses to do either. 1. 9.3A As soon as practicable after arrival at the police station, each detainee must be given an opportunity to speak in private with a member of the custody staff who if they wish may be of the same sex as the detainee (see paragraph 1.13(c)), about any matter concerning the detainees personal needs relating to their health, hygiene and welfare that might affect or concern them whilst in custody. Any proposal for a search under paragraph 2(a)(i) to be carried out by someone other than a registered medical practitioner or registered nurse must only be considered as a last resort and when the authorising officer is satisfied the risks associated with allowing the item to remain with the detainee outweigh the risks associated with removing it. is brought to a police station under arrest; is arrested at the police station having attended there voluntarily; or. As soon as practicable after each authorisation has been recorded in the custody record. Annex C, paragraph 2 sets out the alternative terms of the caution to be used when the restriction on drawing adverse inferences from silence applies. Passages of essential documents which are not relevant need not be translated. This includes the detainees prompt release when the power no longer applies, or their transfer if the power requires the detainee be taken elsewhere as soon as the necessary arrangements are made. (b) understanding and seeking clarification from the interviewer of questions asked during an interview conducted and recorded in accordance with Code E or Code F and of anything else that is said by the interviewer and answering the questions. 3.5 The custody officer or other custody staff as directed by the custody officer shall: (a) ask the detainee whether at this time, they: (i) would like legal advice, see paragraph 6.5; (ii) want someone informed of their detention, see section 5; (b) ask the detainee to sign the custody record to confirm their decisions in respect of (a); (i) is, or might be, in need of medical treatment or attention, see section 9; (ii) is a juvenile and/or vulnerable and therefore requires an appropriate adult (see paragraphs 1.4, 1.5, and 3.15); (iia) wishes to speak in private with a member of the custody staff who may be of the same sex about any matter concerning their personal needs relating to health, hygiene and welfare (see paragraph 9.3A); help to check documentation (see paragraph 3.20); an interpreter (see paragraph 3.12 and Note 13B). Such an exchange could constitute an interview as in paragraph 11.1A and would be subject to the associated safeguards in section 11 and, in respect of a person who has been charged, paragraph 16.5. Reasonable efforts should therefore be made to give the appropriate adult sufficient notice of the time the decision (charge etc.) 8. 7. The term includes, but is not limited to, transsexual people. See Notes 15A and 15B. See paragraph 3.1, Notes 1I, 6B and 6J. In these circumstances: (a) the interviewer who is not at the police station where the detainee is held must direct the officer having physical custody of the suspect at the police station, to take the action required by those provisions and which the interviewer would be required to take if they were present at the police station. See Note 3ZA and paragraphs 15.0 and 16.7A. 1N For the purpose of the provisions of PACE that allow a live link to be used, any impairment of the detainees eyesight or hearing is to be disregarded. The guidance and instructions must comply with the Equality Act 2010 and should therefore complement the approach in this Annex. 9.17 Subject to the requirements of Section 4, the custody record shall include: a record of all medication a detainee has in their possession on arrival at the police station; a note of any such medication they claim to need but do not have with them. ), 2. (a) above and their consent is also given in the presence of the appropriate adult (who may or may not be a parent or guardian). See Note M1. 3. It offers a 9oz net weight single-serve portion. Whether you're making tacos or creating new dishes, we've made it convenient for you by eliminating the prep. 6G Subject to the constraints of Annex B, a solicitor may advise more than one client in an investigation if they wish. 12.12 Any decision to delay a break in an interview must be recorded, with reasons, in the interview record. 8. 1A Although certain sections of this Code apply specifically to people in custody at police stations, a person who attends a police station or other location voluntarily to assist with an investigation should be treated with no less consideration, e.g. To help us improve GOV.UK, wed like to know more about your visit today. 1.555.555.555 | influencer scandal 2022. 17.18 When imposing a requirement to attend an initial assessment and a follow-up assessment the police officer must: (a) inform the person of the time and place at which the initial assessment is to take place; (b) explain that this information will be confirmed in writing; and. (d) the time of charge or, where the arrest condition is being relied upon, the time of arrest and, where applicable, the fact that a sample taken after arrest but before charge is to be treated as being taken by virtue of the charge condition, where that is met in the same period of continuous detention. This means that if the acquired gender is the male gender, the persons sex becomes that of a man and, if it is the female gender, the persons sex becomes that of a woman and they must be treated as their acquired gender. ESSENTIAL DOCUMENTS FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS CODE. A police officer or any other police staff may not be used for this purpose. (iii) the right to consult these Codes of Practice [see section 3]. At pace foods, our passion for making salsa dates back more than 74 years, to one loveable craftsman: Web after almost 40 years klondike has discontinued the beloved ice cream truck treat. See also paragraph 11.13. 11.4 C At the beginning of an interview the interviewer, after cautioning the suspect, see section 10, shall put to them any significant statement or silence which occurred in the presence and hearing of a police officer or other police staff before the start of the interview and which have not been put to the suspect in the course of a previous interview. The authorisations to which this applies are the same as those described at items (i)(a) to. 6.14 If the inspector refuses access to an accredited or probationary representative or a decision is taken that such a person should not be permitted to remain at an interview, the inspector must notify the solicitor on whose behalf the representative was acting and give them an opportunity to make alternative arrangements. When they have finished reading they shall be asked to write and sign or make their mark on the following certificate at the end of the statement: I have read the above statement, and I have been able to correct, alter or add anything I wish. The rise of the ready meal - BBC News The reasons for doing so should be noted in the custody record. Note: In these circumstances, the restriction on drawing adverse inferences from silence in Annex C will not apply because the detainee is allowed an opportunity to consult a solicitor if they wish. A detained person must be permitted to consult a solicitor for a reasonable time before any court hearing. An interviewer who has any doubts about whether and what arrangements for an interpreter must be made or about how the provisions of this section should be applied to a suspect who is not under arrest should seek advice from an officer of the rank of sergeant or above. 12ZA Live link means an arrangement by means of which the interviewing officer who is not at the police station is able to see and hear, and to be seen and heard by, the detainee concerned, the detainees solicitor, any appropriate adult present and the officer who has custody of that detainee. See Notes A1 to A5. 11.10 If a written record is not completed during the interview the reason must be recorded in the interview record. The Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, sections 34, 36 and 37 as amended by the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999, section 58 describe the conditions under which adverse inferences may be drawn from a persons failure or refusal to say anything about their involvement in the offence when interviewed, after being charged or informed they may be prosecuted.

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