which of the following is true of consumer magazines?

d. economic selectivity D. flat rates. D. cost per thousand system. The marginal rate of substitution at point B and point A are equal because they are on the same budget line. A. they are generally the only health care information providers. B. special-interest farm publications. C. It has complicated the newspaper purchase and production process. It states that copies that sold for less than half of the basic price of a magazine could not be counted as paid circulation. d. size units. Experts are tested by Chegg as specialists in their subject area. The weekly prices of one brand of frozen pizza over a three-year period in Dallas are provided in the data file. B. digital imaging. B. geographic selectivity C) advertisers are using more alternative media. The test can be used as part of the process of measuring effectiveness of each ad. D. Limitations in pass-along readership C. gatefold Low clutter level a. B. guaranteed circulation The computer manufacturer would do best to use a(n) _____ appeal to announce the breakthrough. B. a lack of reader interest and involvement. A. Velocity Inc. makes shoes for athletes. Magazine networks With these ads, Mars is trying to achieve: A. lower permanence. NMen is likely to be an example of a: Marketers of tobacco products spend most of their media budget in magazines because: they are prohibited from advertising in the broadcast media. C. It offers relatively lower reach and frequency than other media. E. regional newspaper. A. local zone. It is also referred to as the agate line. They are suited to marketers interested in reaching general consumers of services. B. Ink-jet imaging B. Raiment Inc. manufactures sewing machines. It is primarily used by supermarkets and departmental stores. Consumers become involved with magazines when they read them and are more likely to find ads acceptable or even enjoyable. Weekly newspapers usually do not cover national and world news. \quad\text{Preceding year-end}&38,029&\quad\text{Current year}&2,379\\ c. Consumer magazines created by organizations for their members d. Sponsored magazines mainly contain ads and are self-sufficient Which of the following is true of split runs? The column inch C. Cross-media binding Which of the following is true of consumer magazines? It tends to extend the prestige associated with the magazine to the product. C. professional E. general-interest business magazines. Tiffany is the creative director of an ad agency. B. they furnish accurate information about the number of magazines in circulation that are actually read. Selective binding and ink-jet imaging make it possible for magazines to offer: Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. _____ magazines assemble readers with similar lifestyles or interests and offer marketers an efficient way to reach these people with little wasted coverage or circulation. E. behavioral. Lutfen birini sein 30 0.35 20 O 5 Higher reproduction quality A. multiplying the total number of primary readers by the pass-along readers. Advertising creative personnel tend to be: The job of the creative team is challenging because: Why are models of the creative process valuable to those working in the creative area of advertising? Gatefolds, bleed pages, inserts, and creative space buys are ways of increasing: C. It states that copies would be counted as non-paid circulation if they were sold at more than 50 percent of its initial cost estimate. In an issue of Homespun Comrade, Raiment purchases the bottom quarter ad space on three successive pages to advertise the winter clearance sale on different models of sewing machines at Raiment authorized dealers. Which of the following is true of consumer magazines? E. reproduction. c. an insert Health Magazines are also very popular in the magazine world. A. gatefold. Traditionally, newspaper advertising space for national advertisers has been sold according to the: 1) The utility of the consumer is maximum at a point where the indifference curve of the consumer is tangent to his budget line, which happens at the point A. A. gatefold. 6. A. break through the clutter typically found in newspapers. This ad is an example of a(n): DigiSafe Inc. makes security systems for computer networks. The ad for Faerie, a premium soap brand, contains a litmus paper which is stuck on the page and can be used by a consumer to test the acidity or alkalinity of the soap. Advertisers of a fast-food restaurant want to achieve geographic selectivity in their magazine media schedule. This scenario is an illustration of: Which of the following comparisons between primary in-home readers, pass-along readers, and out-of-home readers is true? business. C. magazine supplements A. gatefolds. B. C. demographic-oriented newspaper. D. Guaranteed circulation A. split-run Communications objectives are derived from marketing objectives. D. High reach Weekly _____ is a system that was created in 1984 to make newspaper advertising rates comparable to other media that sell space and time in systemized units. It is primarily used by supermarkets and departmental stores. Which of the following is true of consumer markets? BUAD471 Chapter 12 Bambach Flashcards | Quizlet B. a circulation verification system. They offer several valuable specialized services to advertisers. D. stock card fold. C. They are sold only through circulation. D. industrial The high ratio of advertising to editorial content in most magazines causes magazines to experience the problem of: Use the price data to reply to the following questions. A. e. a bleed page, .________ refers to the number of individuals who receive a publication, either through subscription or store purchase: D. Lower costs C. They are similar to national magazines and carry national and regional ads in four-color reproduction quality. B. bleed page. National newspapers To help plan his vacation, O'Brian consults all of the past issues of Scend magazine, a publication on adventure sports destinations. Chapter 12: Test 2 Flashcards | Quizlet A. trade newspaper. Creative inflexibility ND Daily, a local city newspaper, caters to the residents of the city as well as the suburbs located in a 20-mile radius around the city. C. It is not as serious an issue for magazines as for radio or TV. D. a lack of geographic selectivity. B. It uses column widths 2-1/16 inches wide. Primary circulation b. bleed units E. SAU rate, Basic rates quoted by a newspaper that call for an ad to be placed on any page or in any position desired by the paper are known as _____ rates. E. They are generally considered less effective than selective binding. A. bleed page. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following groups did British and early American magazines pursue as their audience in the 1700s?, Why was there a boom in the number of American magazines in the mid-1800s?, True or false: Magazines became cheaper in the late 1800s, which caused them to grow in popularity. The brochures were subsequently handed over to the newspaper office and distributed accordingly. c. bleed pages A. D. Bleed pages are always less expensive than color pages with margins because less fine-tuning is required with bleed pages. The company believes that the popularity and reputation of the magazine will enhance the image of its products. The red background behind the lock extends to the very edge of the ad page. The more the color used in an ad, the lower the advertising cost. _____ magazines are a classification of business publications that are aimed at executives in all commercial activities. : Newspapers and magazines are often referred to as ________ media: Which of the following statements is true of newspaper advertising? Which of the following is true of split runs? A. display advertising It offers limited geographic selectivity. Newspaper supplements Trade A. multisensory ads. b. a gatefold accounting. E. the greater creative flexibility available in specialized magazines. What behavior is encouraged by having a repatriation tax holiday? B. E. It does not offer selective binding opportunities. C. Gatefolding Which of the following is true of weekly newspapers? Which of the following is true of newspaper advertisements? B. flexibility. In the social consumer decision journey, which of the following objectives deals with marketers reacting to specific issues regarding the product or brand at a personal level? D. It is generally considered to have a lower lead time. D. Pass-along readers generally spend more time with a magazine and pick it up more often than primary in-home readers. A. historically farms were not perceived as businesses. Newspapers generally offer more _____ than any other medium except direct mail. A. The _____ is the market outside the city zone whose residents regularly trade with merchants within the city zone. The coarse paper stock used in printing most newspapers leads to: E. total page ads. A. their limited pass-along readership. C. Circulation They are avoided by most national advertisers because they generate high clutter. Services This is an example of _____ advertising. Which of the following types of readership is illustrated in this scenario? Lack of demographic selectivity a. When publications fix advertising rates based on a set average circulation figure that is nearly always below the actual circulation delivered by a given issue but carries no guarantee, they are using: Ltfen birini sein: O only! Chapter 12 Evaluation of Print Media Multiple Choice Questions Newspapers targeted at various religious groups compose a large class of: B. adding farm magazines to business magazines would make the category too large. True or False? This ad is an example of a(n): Ads in magazines that utilize pop-ups, heavy inserts, talking ads, or other distractions to attract readers' attention are sometimes referred to as: A magazine ad for Relish Soda featured a pop-up cardboard replica of its soda cans. A _____ appeal is used when the advertiser makes either a direct or an indirect comparison to another brand and usually claims superiority on one or more attributes. E. Selective binding, _____ is a computerized production process that enables magazines to send different editorial or advertising messages to groups of subscribers within the same issue of a publication. This is an example of a(n) _____ publication. E. consumer-oriented, Asea is a publication that provides information on world trends and technology to offshore oil and gas operations. D. total readership. C. Pass-along readers should be totally discounted in evaluating magazine readership. C. is referred to as the process of selective binding. E. distracters. Employment, automotive, and real estate ads are the three major categories of _____ advertising. C. Professional B. Overrunning The cardboard replica was designed to pop-up when a reader opened that particular page. D. Permanence E. page rate system. D. The problem of clutter is usually solved with split runs. Semiannual interest is payable on June 30 and December 31 each year. C. Local radio a. MEIL2122 Media and Information Literacy First Quarter Exam [50].pdf D. Readership b. After calculating both the brand development index (BDI) and the category development index (CDI), a media planner obtains the following results: High BDI and High CDI. High market share and good market potential. The ad for Faerie, a premium soap brand, contains a piece litmus paper that is stuck on the page and that a consumer can use to test the acidity or alkalinity of the soap. _____ magazines assemble readers with similar lifestyles or interests and offer marketers an efficient way to reach these people with little wasted coverage or circulation. A magazine ad for Savor Raisins contains a swirl of dark chocolate with a top layer of raisins. A. ND Daily, a local city newspaper, caters to the residents of the city as well as the suburbs located in a 20-mile radius around the city. Newspapers are primarily a local advertising medium for retail businesses but are also used by large national advertisers. C. die-cut. Business publications directed to wholesalers, dealers, distributors, and retailers are known as: Blooms is a publication aimed at providing information to retail florists so that they can manage their stores more efficiently and profitably. Which of the following statements about the role of magazines and newspapers as advertising media vehicles is true? C. they provide information on the lifestyle characteristics of the individuals who read various magazines. The magazine has a wide followership and is considered to be one of the most sought after teen weekly magazines. e. a split run, Mars Inc., a premium cosmetics company, takes out ads in the Philadelphia, Boston, and Seattle editions of PlutoMag, a national magazine. They reproduce images using mechanical printing. E. NNN rates. Which of the following is true of consumer magazines? When Life and Look magazines were canceled in the early 1970s, their failure was the result of all of the following reasons except: 1. The marginal rate of substitution at point B and point A are equal because they are on the same budget line. A. ancillary circulation rates. E. consumer publications. B. However, James does not pay for the magazine and is only interested in one particular column. B. A. permanence. Which of the following is true of local display advertising? A. Cross-boarding E. low reproduction quality. B. bleed pages. Magazine advertisements that extend to the end of a page rather than leaving a margin around the ad are called: Magazines are a highly specialized medium that reach specific target audiences. A. Which of the following is considered an internal factor that may influence the determination of media strategy? C. their duplicate circulation with daily newspapers. They do not focus on news and recent events. _____ is the number of magazine copies distributed to original subscribers or purchasers. D. planners want to be able to predict the degree of clutter and how it will affect their advertising. However, the ad created by its creative team was way larger than the normal page size specified by the magazine publisher. d. some combination that is not given above. Circulation verification services are important to media planners because: C. Cross-media running Which of the following statements is true of newspaper advertising?- Newspaper ads can be produced and run in various sizes, shapes, and formats.

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