girlfriend says she needs space and time to think

You have been allowed to revitalize the relationship and get it back on track. i feel lil relaxed hearing it and i said ok tell me when you are here. Sometimes a girl says she needs time to think about the future because she has a crush on someone else. Well, she may want space, but that doesnt mean that she should be the only one making demands. Nobody wants to live in an emotional prison with their partner you both need to spend time apart. An hour later as I was on the road, she emailed me to tell me it was good to see me and apologized again for having to run into work. Click the above link to get $50 off your first session an exclusive offer for Hack Spirit readers. They have seen it all, and they know all about how to tackle difficult situations like your partners asking for time or space. Also, make sure the conversation is face-to-face, so you can also pick up clues from her body language. I was sitting on the couch with my girlfriend when she suddenly said she needed time to think. It means shes not getting enough time to do her stuff. Allow her to live her own life on her own terms. You might find shes telling you she needs space without saying the words. Women, ALL WOMEN, need time away from their boyfriends. Just be supportive and understanding during this time and things will eventually work out. If they are constantly with you, they may never get the chance to really figure out what they want or who they are. Short texts, an irritated Most guys are unable to do this. If she gave you the reason and its something you have control over then say youll work on it. Breaking up with someone is hard, and many women hate doing it. Sometimes she says she needs more time in order to see how you react. I am a father of a beautiful daughter, husband of an amazing wife, and son of a great mom with a passion for Blogging. This isnt bad at all and in fact, its completely normal. Wanting love and companionship is perfectly healthy, but feeling a burning need and an inadequacy without it is not healthy. There are plenty of situations where values just dont line up. For example, lets say shes worried that your family takes priority over her. In that year have gone alot together. In fact, if you look back, you may have seen other signs that she started distancing herself from you before she said she needs space. something changed in my behaviour make my sister lil doubtful and she message to my gf everything okie? Be honest with yourself so you can make the best decision for both of you. Also, confidence is not the domain of men, nor is cockiness ever attractive. Think back. Most likely, she feels smothered. You either give it to her, or shell begin asking for it. Your email address will not be published. If you live in each others pockets, it will lead to lost attraction. I felt like my world was crumbling around me. her: okay ..hope u already ate ur dinner Because the rest of this article isnt going to help you. Its a form of codependency where you may feel youre not good enough without her. We had been together for two years and I thought things were going well. Once respect is lost, space is requested. When a girl says she needs time to think, then she is usually trying to figure out if you are worth the commitment. So she tells you she just needs time, but what she really wants is a chance to try out another handsome hunk. That might be hanging out with her girlfriends, spending time alone, or even taking up a hobby. WebWhen a woman says I need time to think, it usually means give me some space because you are smothering me and its making me feel less attraction for you So good job not messaging her after that. If you make $10/hr. her: okay u too *monkey emoticons* Even though it seems like shes asking for space out of the blue, maybe you have been drifting apart for a while now. I know that she makes you laugh, helps you forget about your bad day, and lets be honest, the sex is great. The day will come when she says I just need some space right now. 3. Of course, its natural to want to be in love, but what she really wants is just some fun and comfort. Again, it all depends on whether you feel its worth it. Your girlfriend has said she needs time to think, and youre wondering what to do. If you consider yourself a real man, you need to act like one. Having some time apart doesnt have to be a bad thing. Relationships are exciting and can be great, but they also involve a lot of risks, and risks always involve taking the time to think about them. If she says she needs space and you dont give it to her, she will walk out of the door. Regardless of just how strong your relationship is, women are generally more cautious in committing to things. She says she feels unappreciated and ignored by you. Sometimes people whove been recently broken up actually need time to give themselves a chance to heal before getting back into another relationship. Ask yourself what youd do if she complained constantly and it began to drive you crazy. But when your girlfriend asks for space, you dont need to assume the worst. If youre in a relationship, this doesnt mean you should break up. Women are good for nothing other than ruining a mans life, so get out as soon as you can. Either way, the best thing you can do is wait patiently and try not to put her on the spot. So, heres the reality, and I wont lie to you, its not good. The clearer you are on what you need from a relationship, the easier this step will be. The more that you allow her to disrespect you, the FASTER shell ask for space and most probably break-up with you. This can be in response to something you said or did, or it can be because shes feeling overwhelmed or confused about something in her life. she said; nothing else, im just busy at work and at home i need my rest Please dont treat your lady like a child or a lesser human to be guided, led, or allowed/not-allowed behaviors. Work on yourself, improve your masculinity, and be a stronger man shed never want to spend time away from. When a girl says she needs time to think, it means that she wants to be alone for a while to process her thoughts and feelings. Your girlfriend wants a break, so you have some free time. Still wondering why she asked for space? You should give her time because its highly likely that chasing her has caused this issue. Maybe you both go out or are friends, but shes not quite sure if youre looking for a relationship. That way, youre showing her that youre taking her request seriously. She might just say yes and then if you dont want something serious then its best to just give her the impression that its more casual than what it is. This is especially true if shes been through a tough situation recently or is dealing with something stressful in her life. They have seen it all, and they know all about how to tackle difficult situations like your partners, shes on the fence about the relationship, being needy are actually extremely common, In his incredible, free video on cultivating healthy relationships, Take the free quiz here to be matched with the perfect coach for you, 12 confronting signs youre the problem in the relationship, 8 reasons your girlfriend hates you (+ the solution), 7 rules of chivalry everyone should consider, My girlfriend is cheating on me: 13 things you can do about it, 10 things classy couples never do (so you shouldnt either! This can be in response to something you said or did, or it can be because shes feeling overwhelmed or confused about something in her life. [deleted] 8 yr. ago. You can do this by spending more time with her and showing her that you care about her. She alsoneeds to know that youd be just fine if she ever decided to leave. Are all women crazy and impossible to satisfy? Paul Brian You can be forgiven if this annoys you a bit, but like I said, theres not a hell of a lot you can do except break up with her on the spot or try to force the issue into an ultimatum, a move which you may regret. My passion is reporting on individuals, faiths, nations, and situations that impact us all on the journey of life. Its up to you to get clarity so you can either try and win her back, or move on to the next woman. I was suprised i didnt told to anyone for god sake The final and most important piece of advice I can give you is to level up! Just like you need time alone sometimes, your partner also needs their own space. This situation can be a little tricky. Do you communicate intelligently and ask questions, but ultimately accept it in a mature way, or do you flip out and get paranoid and sad? Look at the facts and stop worrying. It might take a month, 6 months, or 2 years; but trust me, Easy, you make a little effort to discover. Im a multimedia journalist with experience in print, photography, video, and online. During this time Ill be thinking about myself and focusing on my own problems and I dont want to bring you into that.. Dont forget that you get a platform here, too she is not the only one in control now. Shift your attention to yourself for a while. Having an expert on your side can make a huge difference in how your dating life goes from this point forward. You should think about how you can attract more women and make yourself more attractive to them so you can get a girlfriend. However, what you DONT want to allow is for her to abuse it and do it constantly, especially when its totally uncalled for. There are 3 things you can always improve: A man should set goals for these three things on the regular. Reclaiming your masculinity and becoming a strong man is the first step toward romantic success. So if this is the case, then it means you need to just be patient and give her some time to see what happens. They might feel overwhelmed meaning maybe you were asking too much of them too soon or not implementing anything new in their lives. If you decide you dont want to lose her, then maybe youd be willing to become more attentive and talk about the future. In the following guide, I will share the strategies I tell clients to use when their girlfriend says she needs space. After all, if youve been reading my articles, you know that Im a huge proponent of MegaDating, which is the practice of dating as many people as possible at once. Take your time in reacting and really digest this. There could be a number of reasons for this, and many of them may not even be your fault at all. Last Updated April 19, 2023, 7:27 am, by They need space and the room to live their independent existence. Or, maybe you have a very specific plan for your career that involves moving to a certain city because of your industry. Obviously its not really fair for her to test you or play games in this kind of way. Can you guess which of the two examples above women prefer? So sometimes what a girl says when she needs time to think means that shes just waiting for the right moment to speak with you again. But she still may be unsure of what she wants from you. It doesnt always mean shes thinking about leaving you when she needs space. So, how do you prevent her from becoming bored? But figuring it out is the key to making it better. This means you can't contact her at all during that time and you shouldn't try and do anything that will persuade her to change her mind. Obviously, that might be easier said than done. Of course, you may have to deal with some awkwardness in your interaction like making sure not to put too much pressure on her if youre still interested after that because that could make things even worse. He may be a shaman, but hes experienced the same problems in love as you and I have. Sometimes I ask for some space with my boyfriend when I just want to do my own thing for a little while. Chances are that she just needs some space in order for her to heal and become a whole person again rather than just a damaged, empty shell of her former self. You might consider making some accommodations for this carving out more 1-on-1 time without the family around, or asking them not to come over on certain days so you guys can be alone. rather than romantic. So if you give her the impression that youre looking for something more serious than what you actually are, then shell most likely not feel comfortable opening up to you. If she doesnt want to be with you but does want to hang out with you a little bit, thats okay too because at least she wants to spend some more time with you even if it wont be in a relationship. Only weak woman ask for space. Your girlfriendwants you to be open with her and support you. You need to prove to her that you are a good person who is worth waiting for. You should respect that and give it to her. You both need time to figure things out and have lives that are separate from one another. me:no i dont mean that i just wanna del the wats app so that i wont be disturbing again and again and make ur irritating. This is one of the most common reasons for a girl to ask for time to think. If you and your girlfriend do that exact same thing every weekend, shes going to get bored. she replied me ok Girls dont generally use this phrase if theyre not interested or have no interest in starting a new relationship. Set goals, achieve them, celebrate, and repeat. i here acted as a man and i told her its ok relax take your time breaking up is not a solution. Since launching my exclusive coaching program, I have worked with several intelligent men to do just that. me: careful on way home When she says its time to talk, take the chance to set some healthy boundaries. But what she really means is that shes struggling with the feeling of being attached to someone and shes craving her space and freedom. Now, I love this girl to death and I cant stand the thought of losing her to someone who broke her heart time and time again. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Dont call, text or e-mail her. Yes, its important to set your own boundaries, but the language of allowing in this context sets a dangerous precedent for trying to control women as if they are possessions or pets. You should respect her wishes and give her space. The day after that I got the idea to ask her to let me take her to a movie and dinner. When your partner says, they need space its typically because of the following reasons. This article aims to break down the various ways she might be using this phrase and provide a general guideline of what it could mean. From my experience, both the mistakes Ive made and what I have seen from other guys, you all have your points absolutely spot on. WebAnd your partner tells you that she needs time, or space. Most guys ignore the facts: Women are attracted to strong, outgoing men. I recommend you download my bookso you can learn everything there is know about keeping a woman happy and interested in you. What is your gut telling you? Neediness isnt a good look for anyone, and it can totally shut relationships down. They also need the space to determine if you are right choice for her. i told her everything is okie mom we are texting daily look nothing is wrong The main two behaviors that she might peg as being needy are actually extremely common: Its awful, and Ive done it myself and shot myself in the foot for relationships that could have been great. Whenever you come from a place of neediness, it automatically makes you appear insecure. after that i didnt text at that day, 2nd day If a woman states It gets better when you move on. Sometimes asking for more time is just a way of her saying she doesnt know how she personally feels. You never want that to happen! Last Updated August 31, 2022, 8:08 am, Theyre the words that no guy wants to hear: I just need some time.. I know it wont be like this forever but Im just confused as to how to handle it, My girlfriend and I recently broke up over the fact that her ex boyfriend said he wanted her back in her life. Dont tell me that you and her have a special bond, a ton of inside jokes, and that your relationship is different than everyone elses. Is there anything more crazy-making than this situation? Does she have some unresolved issues? Its just something unknown that cant be described with words so she might just ask for some time to think about it. Alternately, if youve already said it and she hasnt reciprocated by saying it back, then this could be a sign that she just needs some time to think. The new path for menthat creates a purpose driven life and doesnt require you to lose your personal power, put women on a pedestal or sacrifice your goals. Let her come to you when shes ready. Shes standing there before you, asking you to give her space. Maybe youve been dating someone and out of the blue, she said she needs space. 2. The reason she needs space could be very simple: You now have competition. Literally, the possibilities are endless. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. January 16, 2023, 9:33 am, by Just try something or go somewhere new once or twice a month, and you should be fine. However, 29% of married couples say they do not have enough privacy or time for themselves. You can feel suffocated when you put too much pressure on each other. Ill respond within 24-48 hours. Short texts, an irritated mood, and showing up late (or canceling plans often) were probably your biggest clues that she needs space because you are too attached. Therefore, you need to let her know that youre not interested in anything more than a casual relationship. Hack Spirit. i started to miss we used to have a text from morning saying good morning.what are u doing to have u had ur breakfast. If you are a constant complainer, you must stop immediately. Just because you succeeded at making her your girlfriend doesnt mean you should stop taking care of yourself. Im not ready for a relationship right now because Im too busy with work or school. You might be thinking one of the following: You have no reason to believe that any of the above is true. A woman needs time alone to think, shop, do her nails, cry, laugh, vent, relax, etc. Catfishing is every online daters worst fear. If your partner says they need space, its easy to panic and think youve done something wrongbut the truth is, a little bit of space is healthy in a relationship. Again, be sure you get that reason from her. Im going to give you the secret on how to never come across as insecure: Always act as if you want her, but never as if you need her. This is a difficult time for you too, so make sure youre doing things that make you happy and help you relax. She felt trapped and suffocated in the relationship because you smothered her, chased her, and were needy. Or, maybe she needs space because after youve been dating a while, you still refuse to talk about commitment. When she tells you its one of these things, you should believe her. Regardless of who changes, your girlfriend will notice that things just arent the same anymore. Do you lash out in anger and accusations, or do you not care at all? Then, once youre ready to get back into dating, hire a coach who can give you objective advice on how to avoid a situation like this in the future. She is not saying its over she is telling you she needs spacenothing more, nothing less. Chances are it is because you are too clingy as youve said, or that you are being too keen or I think the letting yourself go is probably true as well. When you notice these signs, chances are she needs some space to figure things out. It can be a great thing, but it can also be too much. Stay away from little girls that wants to go on adventures or throw a fit when things dont go her way. It can be helpful to get some outside perspectives on your situation. As her boyfriend, its your responsibility to lead and guide her. Its normal to feel a little bit worried or even scared when your partner wants some time alone. If you think thats the right move, you havent been paying attention to my advice in this guide. Kiran Athar When your girlfriend asks you these kind of questions, shes not asking you to ask HER what she wants. Your girlfriend has asked for some space. This is obviously not what you want to hear from a girl you have feelings for, but trying to force it will just hurt even more. A woman can only ruin your life if you let her. If she has said she needs space for a few weeks, take that time to do whatever you please. How do you feel about waiting? her:what The reason that this step is so crucial is that it shows your girlfriend that you respect what she needs and that your needs don't overshadow hers. Shes the woman who speaks up if her manager is out of line. i need my time ..soryy and take care . Make plans with your friends, go on that vacation youve been All Rights Reserved. Women are interested in strong, confident men who they feel safe with. Thats an example of an anxious attachment style. You should respect her wishes and give her the time that she needs. In the meantime, youre better off focusing on your own life, trying to meet someone new and improving your relationship with yourself. You didnt see this one coming. In some cases, a girl tells you she needs more time but what she really means is that she misses her independence. 2011-2023 emlovz, llc. If something is bothering you, take actionand fix it. But dont get down on yourself too long. Here are some tips on how to handle this situation. Maybe she just got divorced or just broke up with someone. She might be trying to play it off as nothing, saying that shes just so busy these days and needs some time off. Over text, you might take this at face value, but in person, she may say this with telltale signs of being uncomfortable shifting her eye contact, shaky voice, etc. Was it when she saw your air-filled mattress? She feels she likes me too much which is why she looked at those bothersome things and tried to translate them in terms of what theyd mean for the big picture of our relationship got serious. Tell her you dont want to rush into it and that you just want to see what happens. Make it a priority to improve your physical health and be on top of your grooming. In my relationship coaching program, I work with guys like you to establish the high-quality relationships you deserve. Shes perfectly entitled to take some time to think because sometimes people need to take care of themselves first and foremost. January 30, 2017 By Alexander Writer 14 Comments. Its usually because shes not sure yet about how things are going to go with him. Be optimistic and stay healthy so that if she does end up being with you, shes attracted to you. Weve all been there when a girlfriend has needed space. then the next day, i send her a msg bout that im will give her some space like she wanted to and tell that i dont want her to think that im bored with her when i rarely chat her.. and i said that im hoping she will reply me n call me again and hoping that its not our last..and i said that i miss her then she replied; her: take care there..dont forget to eat.. drink a lot of water.. You might have met her when she was a certain way, but as time went by, shechanged. This happens because the sex is easy, the motivation to go to the gym disappears, and eating ice cream with theirgirlfriend becomes a nightly event. It might mean becoming more social. Many menlet themselves go when they getcomfortable in a relationship. Learn how your comment data is processed. Does Height Matter to Women While Dating? This is whenyou start showing signs of fear of losing her. Dont set outrageous goals because thats just setting yourself up for failure. She might want to stay together but have more evenings alone.

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